Which tax regime should retirees go for?
Tax changes have become frequent. Here is how retirees can make things simpler for themselves!
Which tax regime should retirees go for? Read More »
Tax changes have become frequent. Here is how retirees can make things simpler for themselves!
Which tax regime should retirees go for? Read More »
The recent changes to capital gains tax may seem simpler on the surface, but their impact on your investment goals can be far-reaching. When tax rates rise for existing investments, you’re faced with three potential outcomes: While reaching your goal was never guaranteed due to market fluctuations, higher taxes introduce an additional layer of uncertainty.
How higher capital gains tax impacts your investments and planning Read More »
Aarati Krishnan writes on the 5 major perils of letting tax taxes dictate your investments.
Don’t let taxes dictate your investments Read More »
Changes in tax rules at the end of a financial year is not something that you routinely expect. And not when it is a sweeping change on taxation in your mutual fund! In this article, we are going to discuss the tax changes in mutual funds in 4 parts:
One, the changes effective April 1, 2023 and the categories impacted
The tax impact for you and what you can do to plan better
What should you do with your existing investments?
How should you plan your fresh investments?
Tax changes in mutual funds: How to manage your investments now Read More »
If you’re a salaried employee then you’ve probably only recovered from the dilemma of old vs new tax regime and the process of collecting all the bills and proofs of investment to submit to your employer for the financial year that will end on March 31, 2023. So if you’re wondering why we are telling you about tax planning for FY 24 when you’ve only just emerged from under a small mountain of rent receipts and pharmacy bills – it is precisely to avoid the mad scramble that inevitably accompanies tax related deadlines that we advocate planning for taxes from right at the start of the financial year.
This gets even more important with several important changes proposed by Budget 2023 coming into force in FY 24.
In this article we will cover:
the key changes proposed by Budget 2023 that you should be aware of in your tax planning,
what you are giving up under the ‘New Tax regime’’
re-examining the role of ‘tax-saving’ investments in your portfolio and
the all-important question of old vs new tax regime
Old vs New Tax regime: Tax Planning for 2023-24 Read More »
Some of us may be hoarse from shouting about why tax benefits should not be the reason we buy insurance. Shouting notwithstanding, tax treatment remains a key consideration when buying insurance of almost any sort and this is what we look at in this article.
There are two points in time when the tax aspect will have to be kept in mind:
First at the time of premium payment
Second, at the time of a payout in the form of a claim being met or maturity benefits being paid out.
How is your insurance policy taxed? Read More »
The trending narrative post the Budget 2023 proposal is that the Budget is disincentivizing savings. The argument goes like this: if the Budget is nudging individuals to move to the New Tax Regime, it likely means that it may eventually phase out many of the deductions available under the Old Tax Regime. Tax incentive is a major consideration for Indians to save.
Is the Budget 2023 disincentivizing savings? Read More »
In this final budget before the elections, there is little by way of big-bang announcements. There are, however, several announcements in the Budget 2023 that do bear implications. There are two aspects to the Budget impact – on one side, there are the provisions that impact your investments and taxes specifically. On the other, there are proposals that have a bearing on prospects for different sectors. Therefore, we’ve broken down our Budget 2023 analysis along these lines.
Budget 2023 – Impact on your investments & the market Read More »
Deposits, bonds and debt funds are great ways to diversify one’s portfolio. But the taxation on these instruments can decide whether an option is attractive or unattractive on a post-tax basis. Taxation, though varies across instruments and can be quite complex. The fact that not all debt instruments are taxed in the same way compounds the decision making dilemma on which option to choose. This write-up will break down the taxation aspect of popular debt instruments for resident individuals.
How are deposits, bonds and debt funds taxed? Read More »
Budget 2019 brought some clarification on how the amounts received by an investor in segregated mutual fund units (also called side-pocketed units) need to be taxed
Prime Q&A: How are segregated mutual fund units taxed? Read More »
Budget 2020 disappointed investors and markets. Is it all as bad as it is made out to be? We’ll discuss that in a more detailed article next week. For now, let’s look at the impact on your personal finance and taxes.
Budget 2020 and you! Read More »
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