A new path to financial success

A single place for all your financial decisions.

PrimeInvestor is your first step to investment success. We conduct deep research and filter it through decades of experience to give you top-notch recommendations in stocks, mutual funds,ETFs and bonds. Plus a host of tools to keep your portfolio in top shape.

In short, everything that you need to grow your wealth! All you need to do is implement our ideas. Simply put, ‘We research, You profit’.

No commissions, no ads. 0% bias, 100% trustworthy.

Choose PrimeInvestor
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Financial distributors have inherent bias towards the products they sell. Their primary loyalties lie with the financial industry, not you - the customer. PrimeInvestor serves only one interest - yours.

News Websites

News platforms are good at reporting current events, but not good at financial research or recommendations. They are not regulated by financial regulators nor do they hold themselves accountable. PrimeInvestor is well regulated and we hold ourselves accountable for all our research.

Brokerage Reports

The goal of brokerage reports is to make you trade and increase their bottom line. Their primary goal is to increase their wealth - not yours. On the contrary, PrimeInvestor charges a fixed fee for stellar research - with the only goal to make sure you gain and grow.

Bank Relationship Managers

Bank RMs push products to make sure they meet their targets and get their incentives. As simple as that. The “convenience” they provide could come at a huge cost to you, the investor. PrimeInvestor’s unbiased, high-quality recommendations, on the other hand, add huge value to your investments.

Long on experience; Strong on values.

We are a team of financial researchers and fintech experts. We have worked with numerous investors from across the country. We have seen multiple market cycles of boom and bust. We network with smart people and we are always seeking great ideas to make your investments better.

Srikanth Meenakshi
Vidya Bala
Bhavana Acharya
Aarati Krishnan

Values That Lead Us


Growing our customers’ wealth is our only priority. Nothing else matters.

High quality

We will dedicate all our expertise and experience to deliver data-driven research solutions in service of your investment needs.


We will be transparent to our customers about our thought process, why we decide what we decide, and hold ourselves accountable for our decisions.


Your financial success is our sole objective. Everything else is in service of this end goal.

Ready to achieve investment success? Start your free 7-day trial now!

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