Aarati Krishnan

Head - Insurance and Investments

About Aarati

Aarati is a leading voice in the Indian financial services space. She has been tracking and writing about the entire gamut of financial products and regulations for over 25 years now. Aarati was among a select few analysts in the country, tracking and analysing mutual funds, way back in 1994. She was also among the few to voice concerns over US-64 before its collapse. She is currently Editorial Consultant for the Hindu Business Line and was earlier a consulting editor for Value Research Online. For her pioneering work in writing on financial services and the economy, she was awarded the Shriram Sanlam award for excellence in Financial Journalism thrice.

Aarati brings with her a detailed understanding of the world of personal finance from the perspectives of the industry, regulators, government, and, most importantly, the investor. She has always been a strong voice speaking out on behalf of the retail investor and saver and a passionate advocate for greater transparency and customer-friendly innovations from financial product manufacturers. Aarati will lead the insurance and investment products verticals at PrimeInvestor as a consultant.

Aarati is a cost accountant and management graduate.

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Aarati's recent articles

Pros and cons of momentum investing
Aarati Krishnan

Pros and cons of momentum investing

Momentum investing – will simply buying rising stocks and avoiding losing ones work for you? Understand the pros and cons of momentum investing!

Premium article available only to subscribers.

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