How to build your own MF portfolio from our ready-to-use portfolios
Many of you wish to build your MF portfolio by modifying our ready-to-use portfolios. Here’s a guide to doing this yourself without impacting the portfolio’s risk profile.
Many of you wish to build your MF portfolio by modifying our ready-to-use portfolios. Here’s a guide to doing this yourself without impacting the portfolio’s risk profile.
The Mrs Bectors IPO, open now and closing on December 17th, has a price band of Rs 286-288, and seeks to raise up to Rs 540.54 crore. With broad-based revenues and strong regional brands, should you go for this IPO?
Kotak International REIT FOF NFO is set to open. Should you subscribe? Vidya Bala looks at the REIT space and answers key questions.
In line with the judgement delivered by the Karnataka High Court, the Supreme Court has directed the Franklin India AMC to seek unitholdersโ approval to wind up the schemes. The future of the schemes in the Franklin India case depends on the vote. So what is the vote about, and how should you vote?
Is it time to buy gold? Does the recent correction in gold prices provide an opportunity to accumulate? Aarati Krishnan analyses.
Burger King, ‘Home of the Whopper’, needs little introduction. , Burger King India holds the exclusive pan-India right to open and operate outlets under the
Can a low-risk debt fund with an average duration of around just 1.2 years deliver an average 3-year return (rolling 3 year returns since inception
A 7% decline in revenue but a 17% jump in profits is not an earnings scenario that you see often. We are talking of the September quarter numbers over a year ago for a universe of 1,122 companies. But then, abnormal times throw up abnormal results. How did India Inc achieve these profitability numbers and are they here to stay?
There are more than sixty Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), seventeen Public Sector Banks (PSBs) and around a dozen State owned undertakings, that are listed on the exchanges. A couple of days ago, some mutual fund managers raised a desperate shout to the government about the โnon-performanceโ of the shares in these undertakings.
As the stock indices defy gravity to soar past earlier highs, AMCs are back to using a time-tested ploy to manage their flows – rationing your investments.
Mirae Asset has just drastically slashed the monthly SIPs it will allow into its Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Fund from Rs 25000 to Rs 2500 from November 6. SIPs and STPs registered earlier will be allowed to continue, but new registrations will need to be capped at Rs 2500. The scheme had already put a stop to all lumpsum investments from October 2016 and capped its SIPs at Rs 25000 a month in November 2017. This is a rare instance of a large and mid-cap equity fund regulating inflows, but such rationing is a common practise with small-cap funds.
The new flexi-cap fund category recently announced by SEBI will mitigate the risk of many multi-cap funds being forced into buying to mid & small cap stocks. The definition of the flexi-cap category is quite open-ended now. The circular requires flexi cap funds to hold least 65% of their portfolio in equity and equity-related instruments to be flexi cap.
When you have a holding period that is less than 3 years, your options are limited. Because this short period gives very little room for risk, pure equity is out of the question. But in debt funds, though returns may be reasonable, taxation for a less than 3-year period cuts into return. Equity savings funds fit this gap.
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