Prime Stock Recommendation: An EPC and execution player that is a contrarian play
An EPC and execution player that is a contrarian play and a dividend yield candidate.
An EPC and execution player that is a contrarian play and a dividend yield candidate.
Why we prefer this gas distributor over its peer.
Financial stocks are dicey bets to make when stock markets are expensive and there’s uncertainty over the economic outlook. But here’ an NBFC that is a good portfolio addition today, for investors seeking a defensive stock that can weather any upcoming volatility while delivering long-term wealth.
The year 2020 will go down as a historical one for the stock markets for more reasons than one. If COVID-19-triggered crash in March 2020 was dramatic, the subsequent rise was even more remarkable. If someone had predicted at end of March 2020 that the frontline stock indices would close at lifetime highs by December 2020, I am sure there would not have been too many takers for it.
The Nifty 50 has rallied 84% (March 2020 lows to Dec-20) in just nine months and the rally has been driven mainly by a global
Forecasting is a tricky business and 2020 showed how Black Swans flying at you out of nowhere can make you look foolish. But looking back at the debt outlook and strategy we recommended a year ago, we’re glad we erred on the side of caution.
A dividend cheque hitting our bank accounts is the nicest thing to happen. But lately this has led to some investors thinking that dividend yield
For us here, at PrimeInvestor, it’s time to evaluate ourselves and see how we did and how our recommendations fared. And the primary yardstick we use to do so is to see how our Prime Funds performed, with respect to benchmarks and category averages.
In the stock market, even as the year closed out with gains, it is better classified as an abnormal year driven by liquidity. Such markets can be deceptive. It is best not to draw long-term lessons from this year! In the debt market, we saw policy rates crash below earlier floors. Returns soared for some categories, other funds fell to credit risks.
HDFC Housing Opportunities Fund, a closed ended thematic fund, launched in December 2017. It sought to invest in housing and all other allied sectors including financing as the sectors looked attractive then. The fund has a mandate to invest at least 80% in its primary theme and up to 20% outside its stated theme.
As the Nifty scales new highs, there are specific sectors that are outperforming the index. In a rally such as the present one, if you have a positive outlook on the broad markets, it makes sense to focus on these sectors than look for contrary picks.
Many of you wish to build your MF portfolio by modifying our ready-to-use portfolios. Here’s a guide to doing this yourself without impacting the portfolio’s risk profile.
The Mrs Bectors IPO, open now and closing on December 17th, has a price band of Rs 286-288, and seeks to raise up to Rs 540.54 crore. With broad-based revenues and strong regional brands, should you go for this IPO?
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