PrimeInvestor - Articles and Reports

emergency fund
Aarati Krishnan

When to have liquid assets

The COVID-19 outbreak in India is wreaking unforeseen damage on household finances by leading to runaway expenses, interrupted incomes and a heightened risk of job losses. This has served to underline that an emergency or contingency fund should be the starting point of any financial planning exercise. But how large should this contingency fund be and where should it be invested? This crisis offers a few lessons.

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debt options
Bonds & Deposits
Aarati Krishnan

Five high-rate debt options to lock into

Desperate times call for desperate measures. Therefore, Indian fixed income investors may need to brace for a further plunge in interest rates in the coming months. โ€ข With rates cuts likely, lock into the options mentioned here, before March 31, 2020.

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AT1 bonds
Bonds & Deposits
Aarati Krishnan

What they didnโ€™t tell you about perpetual bonds (AT1 bonds)

RBIโ€™s rescue package for Yes Bank, which will see SBI infusing capital into the bank to pick up 49 % of its equity, offers a breather to its depositors and shareholders. But one class of stakeholders who are set to take a comprehensive haircut valued at Rs 10,800 crore despite the bailout, are the holders of Additional Tier 1 (AT1) bonds in the bank.

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Turbulent times
Aarati Krishnan

Investing in turbulent times

Just as the Indian stock market was taking a breather from recent worries about the slowdown, two new cases of Coronavirus infections have sent it into renewed paroxysms of volatility. Hereโ€™s attempt to answer top-of-mind questions from investors on how they should deal with this phase.

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Aarati Krishnan

Should you invest in IPOs?

IPOs evoke such interest because of the mistaken belief that IPO stocks offer a unique ticket to riches that thousands of โ€˜olderโ€™ stocks listed in the market donโ€™t. But IPOs have a far worse track record than secondary market investments in long-term wealth creation.

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tax planning
Aarati Krishnan

New tax regime โ€“ is it goodbye for section 80C investments?

One of the intriguing things about Indian Union Budget presentations is that tweaks to the tax laws that get just a half-a-minute mention in the budget speech often pack a big punch for taxpayers. This year, the move that fits this description is the Centreโ€™s decision to offer a new friendlier tax regime .

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A good budget for Mr Bond

While the Union Budget 2020 seems to have sorely disappointed stock markets which had built up hopes for everything from a Long-Term Capital Gains tax exemption to a magic pill for the economy, it seems to have given bond markets some reasons to cheer.

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Prime Strategy for Debt market 2020

Our article on the debt market outlook for 2020 outlined the following key trends in interest rates that are likely to play out in 2020. So how should debt investors in India position their portfolios to tackle these trends?

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Interest rate
Mutual funds & ETFs
Aarati Krishnan

Prime outlook for debt market 2020: No more easy pickings

The Indian debt market threw up multiple money-making opportunities for investors in 2019. 2020 though, is likely to prove far more challenging. Interest rates are likely to halt their steady slide over the last five years to display more volatility this year. The compensation for taking on credit risks is likely to shrink

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