prime funds

Quarterly review โ€“ changes in Prime Funds, our mutual fund recommendations

If you have noticed the portfolios of dynamic asset allocation funds with a fundamental-only driven model, you will see them sporting net equity holdings of under 40% now. In a market where over 40% of the stocks have a price earnings ratio of over 50 times or no PE at all (i.e., the company is loss-making), dynamic asset allocation funds can draw little comfort in holding higher allocation to equity.ย 

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Quarterly review โ€“ changes in Prime Funds, our mutual fund recommendations

We are living in strange times. No, I am not talking of Covid-19. Your one-year returns of equity funds (across categories), at an average 31% between January to March 22, 2021, zoomed to an average 69% since March 23, 2021. In other words, 1-year returns suddenly doubled from March 23, 2021. If you recall, March 23 2020 was a market low. So, 1-year returns from March 23, 2021, have started looking abnormally high.

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Quarterly review โ€“ changes in Prime Funds, our mutual fund recommendations

Our aim in Prime Funds review is to ensure that we donโ€™t miss any good opportunities that are coming up and we are not holding on to funds that are slipping. When we remove funds from the Prime Funds list, we tell you exactly what to do if you have invested in these funds.

Quarterly review โ€“ changes in Prime Funds, our mutual fund recommendations Read More ยป

Quarterly review โ€“ changes in Prime Funds, our mutual fund recommendations

Our aim in reviewing the Prime Funds list every quarter is to ensure that we donโ€™t miss any good opportunities that are coming up and we are not holding on to funds that are slipping. When we remove funds from the Prime Funds list, we tell you exactly what to do if you have invested in these funds.

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2020 โ€“ How our Prime Funds performed

For us here, at PrimeInvestor, itโ€™s time to evaluate ourselves and see how we did and how our recommendations fared. And the primary yardstick we use to do so is to see how our Prime Funds performed, with respect to benchmarks and category averages.
In the stock market, even as the year closed out with gains, it is better classified as an abnormal year driven by liquidity. Such markets can be deceptive. It is best not to draw long-term lessons from this year! In the debt market, we saw policy rates crash below earlier floors. Returns soared for some categories, other funds fell to credit risks.

2020 โ€“ How our Prime Funds performed

Prime Recommendation: Union Small Cap – A small-cap fund without size constraint

After almost 2 years of underperformance, the small-cap segment is seeing a new set of companies rallying swiftly, to make up for the years of suppressed performance. And several them are backed by fundamentals. If you decide to ride this new wave with a small-cap fund, you may have to wonder if the fund will restrict inflows in a while or suffer in performance if its AUM grows rapidly. So, we dug deeper into the small-cap space to see if we can overcome this constraint. And we think we have the one.

Prime Recommendation: Union Small Cap – A small-cap fund without size constraint Read More ยป

Quarterly review โ€“ changes in Prime Funds, our mutual fund recommendations

Prime Funds is the list of funds that we recommend. This fund list uses Prime Ratings as a first filter, over which we analyse portfolios, strategy, market scenario and much more. Many of you have asked us how we differ from the various MF recommendations out there in the market. The changes we have made in this review cycle are here.

Quarterly review โ€“ changes in Prime Funds, our mutual fund recommendations Read More ยป

Quarterly review โ€“ changes in Prime Funds, our fund recommendations

Prime Funds is the list of funds that we recommend. This fund list uses Prime Ratings as a first filter, over which we analyse portfolios, strategy, market scenario and much more. Hereโ€™s what we aim for, in Prime Funds: To have a range of investment styles. This is important, because as we have stressed many

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Prime Q&A: How to handle changes in fund recommendations?

We are starting a new series of posts today. We plan to take REAL questions from customers and publish the question and our answer to it here for everyone’s benefit. We will choose only such questions where the answer would have a wide applicability. Nevertheless, please note that not every question and answer may apply to your specific situation. Caveat Emptor.

Prime Q&A: How to handle changes in fund recommendations? Read More ยป

Quarterly Review: Whatโ€™s in and whatโ€™s out in Prime Funds?

Prime Funds is our recommended list of funds across equity, hybrid, and debt categories. We draw up this list with Prime Ratings as a base, adding more quantitative and qualitative factors on top of it. We review this list on a quarterly basis to ensure that recommendations remain only in quality funds

Quarterly Review: Whatโ€™s in and whatโ€™s out in Prime Funds? Read More ยป

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