
Prime Recommendation: Canara Robeco Flexi Cap fund

When uncertainty is the name of the game today, investing in an equity fund may not be at the top of your to-do list. But for long-term investors, markets like these offer good buying opportunities. For such investors, a multi-cap fund that uses a core of large-cap stocks and adds returns by selectively picking mid-cap and small-cap stocks will serve well.

Prime Recommendation: Canara Robeco Flexi Cap fund

Prime Recommendation: A low-risk option for the conservative equity investor

If youโ€™ve got a 5-year-plus timeframe, equity is the way to go as we explained this week. And if you need money in the very near term, weโ€™ve asked you to stay safe with fixed deposits, liquid funds, and ultra short-term funds. But what about the in-between timeframe? What are your options should you have a horizon of 2-3 years and want better returns that fixed deposits or low-risk debt funds?

Prime Recommendation: A low-risk option for the conservative equity investor Read More ยป

Prime Recommendation: A debt fund with no credit risk and yet beats all others

What if you want your debt fund to have two things โ€“ safety and predictable strategy? Most funds have either of these but not both. Funds that donโ€™t take credit risk are still open to changes in portfolio maturities and one-off events.

Prime Recommendation: A debt fund with no credit risk and yet beats all others Read More ยป

Prime Recommendation: A nimble mid-cap fund well-poised for this market

Over the past two weeks, we have been writing on the promise in the mid-cap and small-cap segment of the market and how the rally is starting to move beyond a handful of large stocks. While a quick recovery may be some way off, the steep 2-year correction in the mid-cap space offers good opportunities to begin accumulating mid-caps from a long-term perspective.

Prime Recommendation: A nimble mid-cap fund well-poised for this market Read More ยป

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