mutual fund recommendations

Quarterly review: Changes to recommendations in Prime Funds & Prime ETFs

Prime Funds is our list of recommendations in equity, debt, and hybrid mutual funds that are worth investing in. Prime Funds narrows down your choices from the thousands of funds that there are, into a concise list of funds that span different styles. Prime Funds are selected based on performance, portfolios, and investment strategies.

In this quarterโ€™s review, we have added to equity funds to play themes that are ripe and made changes to the hybrid recommendations to include better return options. We have made minimal changes to our debt fund recommendations.

Quarterly review: Changes to recommendations in Prime Funds & Prime ETFs Read More ยป

Quarterly review โ€“ changes to recommendations in Prime Funds & Prime ETFs

Prime Funds narrows the choice of the thousands of funds out there in the market into a list of 50-60 funds that you can pick from to invest. This quarter we have made some additions to gain from the renewed strength that the equity market is exhibiting, the recession fears in the US notwithstanding. There are some additions in the debt space as well, as yields moved up.

Quarterly review โ€“ changes to recommendations in Prime Funds & Prime ETFs Read More ยป

Quarterly review โ€“ changes to recommendations in Prime Funds & Prime ETFs

We have only a few changes this quarter with some interesting additions in the equity aggressive category and in debt as well. We have also added a couple of themed funds to capture a visible up trend in the economic activity.

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Quarterly review โ€“ changes in Prime Funds, our mutual fund recommendations

If you have noticed the portfolios of dynamic asset allocation funds with a fundamental-only driven model, you will see them sporting net equity holdings of under 40% now. In a market where over 40% of the stocks have a price earnings ratio of over 50 times or no PE at all (i.e., the company is loss-making), dynamic asset allocation funds can draw little comfort in holding higher allocation to equity.ย 

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How to play the SDL bond opportunity?

How to play the SDL bond opportunity?
Itโ€™s not an easy life for fixed income investors looking to earn decent yields today. With RBI regularly mopping up government securities through its G-SAP programme and also reining in yields on new issues, the 10-year government security has been caught in a range of 5.8 to 6.3 per cent for the last one year, despite elevated inflation.ย 

How to play the SDL bond opportunity?

Prime Recommendation: A fund to ride the credit risk space

At PrimeInvestor, we did not add any debt fund in the credit risk space when we started out in 2020. And even when a fund we recommended held partial credit risk, we made sure we classified them as high risk-long term. We did not pick any fund from the credit risk category as funds were busy segregating their bad assets.

Prime Recommendation: A fund to ride the credit risk space Read More ยป

Quarterly review โ€“ changes in Prime Funds, our mutual fund recommendations

Prime Funds is the list of funds that we recommend. This fund list uses Prime Ratings as a first filter, over which we analyse portfolios, strategy, market scenario and much more. Many of you have asked us how we differ from the various MF recommendations out there in the market. The changes we have made in this review cycle are here.

Quarterly review โ€“ changes in Prime Funds, our mutual fund recommendations Read More ยป

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