index funds

4 Metrics to choose the best index funds and ETFs

โ€œWhich equity fund should I buy?โ€ When asked an open-end question like this, most financial experts recommend an index fund. Choosing an index fund is supposed to be far easier than choosing an active fund from the hundreds of schemes. But the number and variety of index funds in India has mushroomed too. There are about 94 open-end equity index funds, while over 120 equity Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are listed on the exchanges. So, if youโ€™re thinking of buying an index fund, how do you choose the right one? Here are four metrics to choose the best index funds and ETFs.

4 Metrics to choose the best index funds and ETFs Read More ยป

Use this passive fund for your large-and-midcap exposure

A few weeks ago, we had written in detail the categories in which we think passive funds have become a necessity to keep your portfolio returns stable; even if you hold active funds. We made this call as performance of active funds were becoming relatively more inconsistent, in a few key categories.

Use this passive fund for your large-and-midcap exposure Read More ยป

Prime Recommendation: An index to challenge midcap funds

For investors preferring to go the passive route, options were limited until recently. With the passive landscape changing now, itโ€™s becoming increasingly possible to build a diversified portfolio using just passive strategies. And by this, we mean allocations to large-caps, multi-cap and even mid-cap and small-caps. If you are a passive-only investor, you could simply

Prime Recommendation: An index to challenge midcap funds Read More ยป

Should you invest in the Motilal Oswal S&P 500 Index Fund?

Warren Buffett never fails to recommend it and 90% of US fund managers struggle to beat it. If youโ€™re wondering what this miracle investment is, itโ€™s the US S&P 500 index. Indian investors will soon have the opportunity to buy this US benchmark locally with Motilal Oswal AMC launching an open-end index fund replicating it.

Should you invest in the Motilal Oswal S&P 500 Index Fund? Read More ยป

Prime Recommendation: An equity index that challenges active funds across categories

Index funds are meant to track markets passively and not built to necessarily beat active funds. But if you had an Indian index that is able to beat comparable active funds with consistency, generates strong return, adds diversification to your portfolio and even substitute some categories of active funds, would you not consider it?

Prime Recommendation: An equity index that challenges active funds across categories Read More ยป

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