Old vs New Tax regime: Tax Planning for 2023-24
If you’re a salaried employee then you’ve probably only recovered from the dilemma of old vs new tax regime and the process of collecting all the bills and proofs of investment to submit to your employer for the financial year that will end on March 31, 2023. So if you’re wondering why we are telling you about tax planning for FY 24 when you’ve only just emerged from under a small mountain of rent receipts and pharmacy bills – it is precisely to avoid the mad scramble that inevitably accompanies tax related deadlines that we advocate planning for taxes from right at the start of the financial year.
This gets even more important with several important changes proposed by Budget 2023 coming into force in FY 24.
In this article we will cover:
the key changes proposed by Budget 2023 that you should be aware of in your tax planning,
what you are giving up under the ‘New Tax regime’’
re-examining the role of ‘tax-saving’ investments in your portfolio and
the all-important question of old vs new tax regime