private bond placements

Prime Bond recommendation: An AT1 bond with high yield

At PrimeInvestor, we took an ultra-conservative approach to debt investments during Covid and just after it. But with economic recovery taking root, interest rates rising and credit offtake improving, we believe investors can shoot for higher yields by taking on some credit risk. Perpetual bonds from banks with sound financials are one option, offering good reward for risks taken. We are covering one such bond here.

Prime Bond recommendation: An AT1 bond with high yield Read More ยป

Prime Bonds: A privately placed bond with attractive risk-return pay off

Last week, we announced the beginning of our coverage of privately placed bonds. Today, weโ€™re issuing the first of such calls. The private issuance of this unlisted bond was done on March 4, 2022 and it is now available as a secondary sale of privately placed bonds. Our report and recommendation here is on this secondary sale.

Prime Bonds: A privately placed bond with attractive risk-return pay off Read More ยป

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