debt funds

Prime Strategy: 3 funds to beat the low-interest rate regime

While you can still seek solace in small savings schemes, at this juncture select pockets of debt funds also offer opportunities for those with a minimum 2-3-year time frame. We have therefore crafted a portfolio of 3 funds for you to optimally take exposure to quality credit and gain from a rate fall.

Prime Strategy: 3 funds to beat the low-interest rate regime Read More ยป

Prime outlook for debt market 2020: No more easy pickings

The Indian debt market threw up multiple money-making opportunities for investors in 2019. 2020 though, is likely to prove far more challenging. Interest rates are likely to halt their steady slide over the last five years to display more volatility this year. The compensation for taking on credit risks is likely to shrink

Prime outlook for debt market 2020: No more easy pickings Read More ยป

What returns should you expect from your debt funds?

The last two years of turmoil in the debt fund space may have left you wondering what returns to expect from debt funds. Will debt funds beat FD? Or would their returns hover somewhere around their yield (yield to maturity) as promised by some? Are double-digit returns possible in debt? Use this analysis to set more realistic expectations from debt funds instead of a vague 8% or 9% return you may have in mind.

What returns should you expect from your debt funds? Read More ยป

Vodafoneโ€™s impact on your debt funds: Hereโ€™s what you should do

Recent developments in the telecom space holds the risk of pushing Vodafoneโ€™s debt instruments to junk/default status and a consequent erosion to NAVs of funds that hold the instrument. We tell you what funds are affected, and we recommend an exit on funds that have a significant holding in the instrument and suggest alternatives.

Vodafoneโ€™s impact on your debt funds: Hereโ€™s what you should do Read More ยป

Indexation in debt funds – pay little or no tax

Cost inflation index benefit makes the post-tax return of debt funds far superior to fixed deposits. Please note that debt fund taxation has undergone a change. Indexation benefit will not be available for investments made from April 1, 2023 onwards. You can read about this in our article, โ€˜Tax changes in mutual funds: How to

Indexation in debt funds – pay little or no tax Read More ยป

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