How  are G-Secs, bonds and NCDs taxed 

While investing in bonds is not new to retail investors, things have really started to take off for bond markets in the last couple of years. A surge in bonds being sold online, without the depth of regulation that they needed, resulted in SEBI’s regulations for Online Bond Platform Providers or OBPP in late 2022.  

These regulations in a nutshell said that OBPPs would be companies incorporated in India, registered as stock brokers in the debt segment of the stock exchanges. These OBPPs are only allowed to sell bonds that are listed, to be listed or Government securities. OBPPs are also not allowed to sell any other securities. 

Apart from OBPPs, there are also brokers that operate under a broker license of SEBI that you can buy bonds from and other bond platforms (not governed by SEBI and offering less formal avenues to invest in debt like bill discounting and small business loans). The OBPP route (platforms such as  BondsIndia, GoldenPi and IndiaBonds  to just give some examples) is PrimeInvestor’s preferred route to investing in bonds and NCDs and you can watch this video to know why. 

With the regulation of OBPPs and the advent of RBI Retail direct in late 2021 (5 steps to buy G secs on the RBI Retail Direct Platform), retail investors have easy access to well regulated avenues to get debt in their portfolios. 

This compounded by the change in debt fund regulations last year (Tax change in mutual funds – how to manage your investments now), builds the case for taking the OBPP and RBI Retail Direct routes to getting some fixed income in your portfolio. 

This blog will look at one of the key factors that we look at when we consider any investment avenue – taxation.

How are G-secs bonds and NCDs taxed

As you already know, bonds or non-convertible debentures (NCDs) provide income in the form of periodic interest payouts and in the form of capital gains at the time of transfer / redemption. This blog will therefore deal with 

  • taxation of the interest income, 
  • capital gains tax and 
  • additionally, the tax deducted at source or TDS component of the various types of bonds.

Let’s dive in!

Tax Rates

Here are the tax rates that are relevant to taxation of bonds.

As per section 193 of the Income Tax Act, 1961, where applicable, 10% tax will be deducted at source on interest payments if your PAN and aadhar are linked and you are a resident Indian.

Interest will be clubbed under the head ‘Income from other sources’ and taxed at the normal rate determined on the basis of the taxable income of the tax payer.

  • The holding period to determine whether capital gains are long or short term is 12 months in the case of listed securities and 36 months in the case of unlisted securities. 
  • Long term capital gains on listed bonds will be at the rate of 10%. For unlisted bonds this will be 20%.
  • Short term capital gains are charged to tax at normal rate of tax which is determined on the basis of the total taxable income of the taxpayer.
  • Indexation benefit applies only to capital indexed bonds and SGBs as per section 48 of the Income Tax Act, 1961. 
  • In the case of bonds where indexation benefit is available and has been availed, long term capital gains will be taxed at 20%. If indexation benefit has not been availed, the same will be taxed at 10%.

Bonds issued by the Government

According to the RBI, ‘A Government Security (G-Sec) is a tradeable instrument issued by the Central Government or the State Governments. It acknowledges the Government’s debt obligation. Such securities are short term (usually called treasury bills, with original maturities of less than one year) or long term (usually called Government bonds or dated securities with original maturity of one year or more). In India, the Central Government issues both, treasury bills and bonds or dated securities while the State Governments issue only bonds or dated securities, which are called the State Development Loans (SDLs). G-Secs carry practically no risk of default and, hence, are called risk-free gilt-edged instruments.’ 

While G-secs are issued to meet the funding requirements of the Government, they also set the tone for the overall debt market and act as a benchmark for the risk-free rate due to the sovereign guarantee that they come with. Here is the tax treatment of G-secs.

As mentioned above, T-bills are short term debt instruments (money market instruments) issued by the Government of India, have maturities of less than a year and are presently issued in three tenors – 91 day, 182 day and 364 day. 

These bonds make no coupon payouts but are issued at a discount (also known as zero coupon bonds). At maturity, the investor will be paid back the face value of the bond. Yield is arrived at on the basis of the discount rate at which it is sold. 

Taxation: The difference between the purchase price and the redemption value would be taxed as per the tax slab applicable.  

These have tenures ranging from 1 year to 40 years.  They could come with fixed or floating rate interest. The coupon / interest payouts are made half yearly with no cumulative option. 

Taxation of interest income: The interest income is to be clubbed with the investor’s income and taxed as per his / her applicable slab rate. 

TDS: Tax is not deducted at source on interest payments.

Capital gains

  • If the bond was purchased at face value in the primary market and held to maturity, the question of capital gains would not arise.
  • However, if the bond has been bought and / or sold on the secondary market, the difference between the sale price and the purchase price would be capital gains. 
  • Long term capital gains (holding period over 12 months) would be taxed at 10% with no indexation benefit. 
  • Short term capital gains would be taxed as per the investor’s slab rate.

SDLs represent borrowings of the State Governments and Union Territories. These are issued for tenures of 1 year to 40 years. While SDLs don’t come with an explicit sovereign guarantee that T-bills and G-secs come with, they are the next best thing and you can read more about SDLs here.

Taxation of interest income: Like G-secs, SDLs too make half yearly coupon payments with no cumulative option. These coupon payments are taxable at the slab rate applicable to you. 

TDS: Tax will not be deducted at source on coupon payments.

Capital gains: Capital gains would be taxed in the same way as G-secs.

In addition to the above, SGBs are also issued by the RBI and offer a way to invest in gold minus the hassles of physical storage. These were launched in 2015 and come with a tenure of 8 years. Investors are allowed an early redemption from the 5th year onwards. Issue and redemption prices of these bonds are linked to prevailing gold prices. If held in demat form, these bonds are tradeable on an exchange (whether they are actually traded depends on the liquidity of the instrument). The bonds can also be transferred to another investor subject to some eligibility criteria. A detailed FAQ on SGBs can be found on the RBI website here.

Taxation of interest income: SGBs make half yearly interest payouts (fixed rate which is currently 2.5%) and this is taxable at the hands of the investor based on the slab rates applicable. 

TDS: Tax will not be deducted on this interest payout.

Capital gains: 

  • The capital gains arising at redemption of these bonds have been exempt from tax if held to maturity. 
  • One thing to note is that, in the case of transfer of these bonds, the resulting long term capital gains are allowed to be reduced via indexation benefits before being taxed at 20%. 
  • Short term capital gains (held for less than 12 months) will be taxed at the slab rate applicable to the investor.

Corporate Bonds

Fixed income instruments issued by corporations (companies, banks, NBFCs micro finance companies and other financial companies) and are traded fall under this category. These would carry a higher rate of interest than Government securities to compensate for the relatively higher risk they carry. These bonds could come with fixed or variable coupon rates. While there are several variants of listed corporate bonds, the interest income and capital gains arising out of them are taxed as follows: 

Taxation of interest income: The interest on listed corporate bonds is taxable in the hands of the bond holder at the slab rate applicable. 

TDS: While section 193(ix) of the Income Tax Act used to grant an exemption of TDS on interest payments where the bonds are listed and held in demat form, this exemption was removed from April 1, 2023 (Budget 2023). This means that TDS will now be applicable.

Capital gains:

  • Capital gains on listed corporate bonds are taxable. Since these are listed securities, a holding period greater than 12 months would mean the gains are long term capital gains. These are taxed at 10% without indexation benefit.
  • Short term capital gains are taxed as per the investor’s applicable slab rate. 

These are bonds that were specially issued by PSUs like REC, PFC, NHAI and HUDCO. 

Taxation of interest income & TDS: The interest on these tax free bonds are tax free under section 10 of the Income Tax Act and hence there is no TDS on the interest payouts either. 

Capital gains: These bonds are limited in availability and are available on the secondary market for their residual maturities. Capital gains on the sale of these bonds would however, be taxable in the same way as listed corporate bonds.

Taxation of interest income: The interest income on bonds that are not listed on an exchange would be taxed in the same way (at the slab rate applicable to the investor).

Capital gains: Capital gains tax differs on account of a longer holding period requirement for classification as long term capital gains for unlisted securities. If the holding period is less than 36 months, the gains would be short term capital gains that are taxed at the investor’s slab rate. If the holding period was over 36 months, the gains would be taxed at 20% without indexation benefits. 

Non-transferable bonds

Popularly known as capital gains bonds, these are used to set off long term capital gains against the investment in these bonds. Certain bonds (issued by REC, NHAI, PFC and IRFC) are earmarked as eligible under section 54EC of the Income Tax for this purpose. These bonds come with a lock-in of 5 years and are not transferable. 

Taxability: Given their lock-in, the only income stream from these bonds is by way of interest. This is fully taxable as per the applicable slab rates. However, no tax will be deducted at source on the interest payouts.

These are a floating rate debt instrument issued by the Government and comes with a sovereign guarantee. The rate of interest is reset every six months and is tied to the NSC rate + a markup of 35 basis points. 

Taxability: The interest is paid out half yearly. These bonds come with a 7-year lock in with early redemption being allowed for senior citizens. You can read more about these bonds in our earlier article here. Since these bonds are not traded or transferable, the question of capital gains does not arise. The interest on these bonds is taxable as per the applicable slab rate and tax will be deducted at source on the same at 10%.

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15 thoughts on “How  are G-Secs, bonds and NCDs taxed ”

  1. There is one case that you have not considered. You write “If the bond was purchased at face value in the primary market and held to maturity, the question of capital gains would not arise.”
    If you consider the case of G-Secs, these bonds are issued in the primary market at a premium or discount. The purchase price in the secondary market might also be higher or lower than the face value. If I then hold a bond till maturity, that would mean that I a capital loss or gain will be incurred depending on the price difference between purchase price and face value (which is the maturity price). Would you concur with this?

  2. For the case of G-Secs you write that “Long term capital gains (holding period over 12 months) would be taxed at 10% with no indexation benefit. ” Under what section? Section 112A should not be applicable here since it is not an equity share.

      1. No, it does not clarify. On Page 8 of the document you have linked to, it mentions that a concessional rate of 10% applies only for equity shares or equity oriented funds, not government bonds. (This is the provision of section 112A). So the clarification I wanted is whether section 112A applies for government securities or not? My interpretation is that section 112A should not apply to government bonds and thereby the long term capital gains tax rate will not be 10% but 20% after indexation benefit.

        1. Pavithra Jaivant

          Please refer to the below sections.
          Section 2(42A) that defines a short term capital asset to be one held for not more than 36 months except in the case of a listed security in which case it would be 12 months.
          Section 45 defines capital gains.
          Section 48 covers indexation. The fourth proviso will tell you which types of bonds indexation applies to.
          Section 112 first proviso says that where tax is payable on income arising from the transfer of a long term capital asset being listed securities other than a unit or a zero coupon bond, exceeds 10% of the amount of capital gains before giving effect to the provisions of the second proviso to section 48 (indexation), then such excess shall be ignored for the purpose of computing the tax payable by the assessee.

  3. one clarification needed regarding SGB .If one buys SGB from secondary market and hold till maturity will they be exempt from capital gain tax?

  4. Hello
    When you buy corporate bonds/Gsec through Bond platform contract note gives details of accrued interest.
    I take following example as an illustration
    1. If you paid Rs 10,000 as accrued interest and if you get interest on bond of Rs 50000, in your income tax return you have to pay tax on Rs 50000 or Rs 40000 ie after deducting accrued interest?
    2. Since there will deduction of TDS @10%(Pan registered), you will show TDS credit on Rs 50000 ie Rs 5000 or Rs 4000?
    3. If you show interest and tds entry after accrued interest effect, there will be mis match between your figure and AIS(26AS).
    4 When bond redemption /maturity occurs CG will be calculated on what sales proceedings you receive and your purchase price where once again accrued interest component will be there.
    I checked with Bond Platforms who say that you have to pay interest on gross int less accrued int but they are clue less about reconciliation with 26AS in that case. They are not able to support with Income Tax Dept circular.
    An article in MINT also supports above but is clue silent about mis match with 26AS.
    However one of the CA who writes a blog mentions that you have to ignore accrued interest effect while calculating interest for return purpose and pay tax on gross interest which seems ill logical but no explanation on that.
    Can you clarify above points.
    I am filing my returns on y own and hence quite keen to know. I will not treat this as tax advice
    For CG at redemption/maturity time sales proceeds- purchase value =CG according to him

  5. Dear Ms Pavithra,

    1. Simple and well written. Thanks.

    2. Investment in T-Bills / RBI floating rate 2020 bonds / G-Secs is beneficial through SBI Constant Maturity Fund / HDFC ST / Axis ST /ICICI ST Funds or on RBI retail platform for Senior Citizens?


    Rajiv Kumar Mendiratta

    1. Hello Sir, – no they are not the same. For income – it is good to hold them directly. Active management can get it wrong sometimes, much as they do get it right as well. So if you want stability of income, it is best to invest directly. Vidya

  6. Thank you for the Write up PI team. Will be of immense benefit to explicitly cater to OCI & NRI investors as the eligibility/taxation/TDS will vary.

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PrimeInvestor Financial Research Pvt. Ltd., its Associates, the Research Analysts or their relatives holds ownership of 1% or more, in respect of the said issuer company(ies)? – NO

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The Research Service, including recommendations, research reports, updates, and other information will be accessible through the RA’s website only. Such recommendations and updates will not be provided over phone calls.

Fees: Our current fee structure, the term and duration of our subscription for our Research Service, can be viewed on our website: Eligibility for any discounts is ascertained at the time the client subscribes. Any such discount and its tenure shall be at the discretion of the RA.

Subscription and access to content services fall under the purview of Goods and Services Tax (GST) as per the current indirect taxation policy, Government of India. Unless otherwise indicated, prices stated on our website are exclusive of applicable GST, any applicable value added tax (VAT) or other sales taxes. We are a business-to-consumer (B2C) service provider and we do not commit to provide any input tax credit on GST charged on subscription to our Research Service.

We may change the Subscription Fees and charges then in effect, or add new fees or charges which will take effect at the end of the client’s subscription period, by giving notice in advance and an opportunity to cancel renewal of the subscription.

Subscription Access & Renewal: Subscription to the Website commences immediately on the realisation of payment of the Subscription Fees. Subscriptions are set to be renewed automatically at the end of the subscription period.

Unless the client notifies us before the end of his/her subscription period, or the client cancels the auto-renewal mandate within the period specified by law, that the client does not wish to renew his/her subscription, the client’s subscription will renew for the period defined by the client’s subscription plan. We will charge the subscription using the same payment method that you previously used.

Although the client may notify to us his/her intention to his/her subscription, such notice will only take effect at the end of his/her then current subscription period, and he/she will not receive a refund other than as set out under Clause 8 in these Terms.

The client may notify us of his/her wish to cancel his/her subscription by sending an email to [email protected]. The client must provide at least 5 business days advance notice for this to be implemented.

Refunds: There can be no cancellation and refund of subscription fee paid once the subscription is active, other than as stated in Clause 8 of these Terms. If the client is entitled to a refund as specified under Clause 8 of these Terms, the RA will credit that refund to the card or other payment method used by the client to submit payment, unless it has expired - in which case the RA will contact the client to proceed with the refund. If we do issue a refund or credit due to circumstances outside the obligations specified under Clause 8, we are under no obligation to issue the same or a similar refund in the future.

General disclaimers: The recommendations made herein in the Research Services are expression of views and/or opinions and should not be deemed or construed to be advice for the purpose of purchase or sale of any security, nor a solicitation or offering on any investment/ trading opportunity on behalf of the company, AMC, insurance company, or issuer of security referred to herein.

The content and research reports generated by the RA does not constitute or is not intended to constitute an offer to buy or sell, or a solicitation to an offer to buy or sell financial products, units or securities.

The information/ opinion/ views mentioned in research reports or by the RA are not meant to serve as a professional guide to the client or recipients of this Report. The research report, recommendation, or any other content published by the RA do not assure or guarantee any minimum or fixed returns to the client or recipients of the reports/ recommendations/ content.

Use of this information is at the client’s own risk. The client must make his/ her own investment decisions based on his/her specific investment objective and financial position and using such independent advisors as he/she believes necessary. The services rendered by the RA are on a best-effort basis. All information in the content or research report of the RA is provided on an as is basis. Information is believed to be reliable but the RA does not warrant its completeness or accuracy and expressly disclaim all warranties and conditions of any kind, whether express or implied.

While due care has been taken to ensure that the disclosures, information, and opinions given are fair and reasonable, PrimeInvestor Financial Research Pvt Ltd and/or none of its officers, directors, partners, employees, agents, subsidiaries, affiliates or business associates shall be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, punitive or exemplary damages, including lost profits arising in any way whatsoever from the information/ opinions/ views contained in the research report and recommendations that form part of the Research Service, and/or mails, social media or notifications issued by PrimeInvestor Financial Research Pvt Ltd or any other agency appointed/authorised by PrimeInvestor Financial Research Pvt Ltd. Returns and performance figures mentioned in the research report represent past performance and should not be constituted to be future returns or guaranteed returns.

Any agreements, transactions or other arrangements made between the client and any third party named on (or linked to from) the Website are at your own responsibility and entered into at your own risk. Any information that you receive via the Website, whether or not it is classified as “real time”, may have stopped being current by the time it reaches you. Market price information may be rounded up/down and therefore may not be entirely accurate.

The purpose of these disclosures is to provide essential information about the Research Services in a manner to assist and enable the prospective client/client in making an informed decision for engaging in Research Services before onboarding.

History, present business and background: PrimeInvestor Financial Research Private Limited is registered with SEBI as Research Analyst with registration no. INH200008653. The Research Analyst got its registration on August 19, 2021 and is engaged in offering research and recommendation services.

Disciplinary history: There are no pending material litigations or legal proceedings against the Research Analyst. As on date, no penalties / directions have been issued by SEBI under the SEBI Act or Regulations made thereunder against the Research Analyst relating to Research Analyst services.

Details of the RA's associates: No associates.

Usage of Website Content: This Website is controlled and operated by the RA. All material, including research reports, recommendations, portfolios, ratings, lists of financial products, illustrations, statements, opinions, views, photographs, products, images, artwork, designs, text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio and video clips and software (collectively, “Content”) are protected by copyrights, trademarks and other intellectual property rights that are owned and controlled by the RA or by other parties that have licensed their material to us.

Except where otherwise agreed in writing with the RA, material on the Website is solely for the client’s personal, non-commercial use. Except as provided below, the client must not copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute such material in any way, including by e-mail or other electronic means and whether directly or indirectly and the client must not assist any other person to do so.

Without the prior written consent of the RA, modification of the materials, use of the materials on any other web site or networked computer environment or use of the materials for any purpose other than personal, non-commercial use is a violation of the copyrights, trademarks and other proprietary rights, and is prohibited. Any use for which the client receives any remuneration, whether in money or otherwise, is a commercial use for the purposes of these Terms.

The client may occasionally distribute a copy of a research report, or a portion of the same, from the Website in non-electronic form to a few individuals without charge, provided the client includes all copyright and other proprietary rights notices in the same form in which the notices appear, original source attribution, and the phrase “Used with permission from PrimeInvestor Financial Research Pvt. Ltd.”

While the client may occasionally download and store research reports or information from the Website for his/her personal use, he/she may not otherwise provide others with access to the same. The foregoing does not apply to any sharing functionality we provide through the Website that expressly allows the client to share Content or links to Content with others. In addition, the client may not use Content he/she has downloaded for personal use to develop or operate an automated trading system or for data or text mining.

The client agrees not to rearrange or modify the Content available through the Website. The client agrees not to display, post, frame, or scrape the Content for use on another website, app, blog, product or service, except as otherwise expressly permitted by these Terms. You agree not to create any derivative work based on or containing the research products and Content. The framing or scraping of or in-line linking to the Services or any Content contained thereon and/or the use of webcrawler, spidering or other automated means to access, copy, index, process and/or store any Content made available on or through the Services other than as expressly authorized by us is prohibited.

The client further agrees to abide by exclusionary protocols (e.g., Robots.txt, Automated Content Access Protocol (ACAP), etc.) that may be used in connection with the Research Services. The client may not access parts of the Research Services to which he/she is not authorized, or attempt to circumvent any restrictions imposed on your use or access of the Services.

As a general rule, the client may not use the Content, including without limitation, any Content made available through one of our RSS Feeds, in any commercial product or service, without our express written consent.

The client may not create apps, extensions, or other products and services that use our Content without our permission. The client may not aggregate or otherwise use our Content in a manner that could reasonably serve as a substitute for a subscription to the Website.

The client may not access or view the Services with the use of any scripts, extensions, or programs that alter the way the Services are displayed, rendered, or transmitted to you without our written consent.

The client agrees not to use the Services for any unlawful purpose. We reserve the right to terminate or restrict the client's access to the Website if, in our opinion, the client's use of the Services may violate any laws, regulations or rulings, infringe upon another person's rights or violate these Terms.

Prohibited content: The Website includes comments sections, blogs and other interactive features that allow interaction among clients and between clients and the RA. We call the information posted by or contributed by users “Contributed Content.” In the course of availing of the Research Services or uploading any post or comment on the Website, the client shall not post any Contributed Content that (i) contains nude, semi-nude, sexually suggestive photos, (ii) tends or is likely to abuse, harass, threaten, impersonate or intimidate other users of the Website and/or Research Services, (iii) is lascivious or appeals to the prurient interest or if its effect is such as to tend to deprave and corrupt persons who are likely to use or have access to the Website and/or Services, or (iv) otherwise violates, is prohibited or restricted by applicable law, rule or regulation, is offensive or illegal or violates the rights of, harms or threatens the safety of other users of the Website and/or Services (collectively “Prohibited Content”).

We reserve the right to cease to provide the client with the Research Services or access to the Website, or terminate your subscription, with immediate effect and without notice and liability, for violating these Terms, applicable law, rules or regulations and reserves the right to remove Prohibited Content which is in violation of these Terms, or is otherwise abusive, illegal or disruptive. The determination of whether any content constitutes Prohibited Content, violates these Terms, or is otherwise abusive illegal or disruptive, is subject to the sole determination of the Firm.

Changes to Research Services: We are constantly endeavouring to improve the quality of Research Services provided to our clients. Due to this, the form and nature of the Research Services provided may change from time to time without any prior notice to the client. We reserve the right to introduce and initiate new features, functionalities, components to the Website and/or Research Services and/or change, alter, modify, or discontinue existing ones without any prior notice to the client.

Warranty and liability disclaimer: The Website, Research Services, and all the materials and services, included on or otherwise made available to the client through this Website is provided by the RA on an “as is” and “as available” basis without any representation or warranties, express or implied except otherwise specified in writing. Without prejudice to the foregoing paragraph, the RA does not warrant that:

  • This Website and/or Research Services will be constantly available, or available at all;
  • The information on this Website or provided through the Research Services is complete, true, accurate or not misleading; or
  • The quality of any products, services, information, or other material that you obtain through the Website or Services will meet your expectations.

The RA, to the fullest extent permitted by law, disclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, including the warranty of merchantability, fitness for particular purpose and non-infringement. The RA makes no warranties about the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of the Website, Research Services, Content, Contributed Content, Services, software, text, graphics and links.

The RA does not warrant that this Website, Research Services, information, content, materials, or any other material included on or otherwise made available to you through this Website, their servers, or electronic communication sent by the RA are free of viruses or other harmful components.

Nothing on this Website constitutes, or is meant to constitute, advice of any kind.

Indemnification: The client:

  1. Represents, warrants and covenants that no materials of any kind provided by him/her will:
    1. Violate, plagiarise, or infringe upon the rights of any third party, including copyright, trademark, privacy or other personal or proprietary rights; or
    2. Contain libellous, Prohibited Content or other unlawful material;
  2. Hereby agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the RA and all of the RA’s officers, directors, owners, agents, customers/clients, information providers, affiliates, licensors and licensees (collectively, the “Indemnified Parties”) from and against any and all liability and costs, including, without limitation, reasonable advocate’s fees, incurred by the Indemnified Parties in connection with any claim arising out of any breach by the client of these Terms or the foregoing representations, warranties and covenants. The client shall cooperate as fully as reasonably required in the defence of any such claim. The RA reserves the right, at its own expense, to assume the exclusive defence and control of any matter subject to indemnification by the client.

Applicable law: This Website, including the Content and Contributed Content and information contained herein, and the provision of Research Services shall be governed by the Securities and Exchange Board of India, laws of the Republic of India and the courts of Chennai, India which shall retain exclusive jurisdiction to entertain any proceedings in relation to any disputes arising out of the same. As such, the laws of India shall govern any transaction completed using this Website.

Information gathered and tracked: Information submitted or collected on the Website or pursuant to the use of the Services is stored in a database. Specifically, we store the username, name, e-mail address, contact number, as submitted or collected on our Website or through the provision of the Research Services. We may use such information to send out occasional promotional materials, including alerts on new Services available, or other promotional and marketing material relating to our clients and customers.

In accordance with the Information Technology Act 2000, the name and the details of the Grievance Officer at PrimeInvestor is provided below:

Mr. Srikanth Meenakshi
PrimeInvestor Financial Research Pvt. Ltd., Registered office: 659, 4th Avenue, D-Sector, Anna Nagar Western Extension, Chennai 600 101.
Email: [email protected]

11. Mandatory notice:

Clients shall be requested to go through Do’s and Don’ts while dealing with RA as specified in SEBI master circular no. SEBI/HO/MIRSD-POD-1/P/CIR/2024/49 dated May 21, 2024 or as may be specified by SEBI from time to time.

12. Optional Centralised Fee Collection Mechanism:

SEBI has operationalized a centralized fee collection mechanism for IA and RA. Under this mechanism, clients shall pay fees to IAs/RAs through a designated platform/portal administered by a recognized Administration and Supervision body. This is an optional mechanism for the registered entities. At this time, PrimeInvestor has opted out of this fee collection mechanism. Therefore, all subscription payments for the Research Services will be through the modes as specified in Clause 5 of these Terms.

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