equity funds

Quarterly review โ€“ Changes to recommendations in Prime Funds and Prime ETFs

Prime Funds is our list of recommendations in equity, debt, and hybrid mutual funds that are worth investing in. Prime Funds narrows down your choices from the thousands of funds that there are, into a concise list of funds that span different styles. Prime Funds are selected based on performance, portfolios, and investment strategies.

In this quarterโ€™s review, we have made limited additions to our list of Prime Funds but have some updates to give on performance of the existing funds. We also suggest buckets that are worth entering now. So do read it!

Quarterly review โ€“ Changes to recommendations in Prime Funds and Prime ETFs Read More ยป

Prime Views: What should you do with your investments now?

Over the past few weeks, weโ€™ve received several questions from you on performance of the funds you hold, and what the course of action should be. In both debt and equity, recent returns have given enough cause for worry. So weโ€™re listing out various categories of investments you may holding which are seeing volatility, and what you should do about them.

Prime Views: What should you do with your investments now? Read More ยป

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