Prime Funds is our list of recommendations in equity, debt, and hybrid mutual funds that are worth investing in. Prime Funds narrows down your choices from the thousands of funds that there are, into a concise list of funds that span different styles. Prime Funds are selected based on performance, portfolios, and investment strategies.
In this quarter’s review, we have added to equity funds to play themes that are ripe and made changes to the hybrid recommendations to include better return options. We have made minimal changes to our debt fund recommendations.

If you are new to Prime Funds, do read the section on ‘About Prime Funds’ to know how to use them to your advantage. Otherwise, use the Table of Contents below to navigate to the section of your interest.
About Prime Funds
Prime Funds is our list of best mutual funds across the equity, debt, and hybrid categories. We use Prime Ratings, our fund ratings, as a first filter. We then apply qualitative analysis to arrive at our fund recommendations. Prime Funds is an enduring list of funds that you can use at any time. You will always find a fund to meet any goal you’re looking to meet.
Different categories: Prime Funds are separated into buckets, based on risk level in equity & hybrid funds and timeframe in debt funds. Each of these draws from different SEBI-defined categories. We have classified them in a more user-friendly way than using the several dozens of SEBI categories. We do not go only by Prime Ratings but look at other factors as well to narrow the list and make the choices easy for you.
Different styles: In Prime Funds, we’ve aimed at providing funds that follow different strategies for you to mix styles and diversify your portfolio with ease. The ‘Why this fund’ for each Prime Fund will brief its strategy, why we picked it, and how to use it in your portfolio.
Direct plans: We have specifically given the direct plans in Prime Funds. If you wish to know whether it is ok for you to use the regular plan of the fund, check our MF Review Tool (not our Ratings). If the review specifies ‘buy through direct,’ it means that the expense ratio differential is high under the regular plan for that fund. You will be better off using the direct plan in such cases. You can also check the expense ratio differential using our expense ratio tool.
Quarterly review: Our aim in reviewing the Prime Funds list every quarter is to ensure that we don’t miss any good opportunities that are coming up and we are not holding on to funds that are slipping. When we remove funds from the Prime Funds list, we tell you exactly what to do if you have invested in these funds. Funds we remove do not immediately call for a sell – it is just that they have slipped in performance marginally or there are better alternatives now. Unless our review tool says such funds are a ‘sell’, you can hold them (refer to our article on when to sell funds)
Using Prime Funds: You don’t need to hold every Prime Fund nor add any new fund we introduce to the list. Unless it fits your overall portfolio/strategy, or there is something lacking, there is little need for you to go on adding funds. Our idea of covering them in detail through some of our weekly calls is to let you know the strategy, style, and suitability in different portfolios. It is not a specific call to buy right away, unless we mention that it is a ‘tactical’ or ‘timing’ call.
Equity funds
The Nifty 50 and Sensex made merry in the December 2022 quarter, notching up new peaks. But the mid-cap and small-cap segments still had some struggle and small-caps are yet to reach their own earlier peaks. As we explained in our Prime Funds 2022 performance review recently, funds that held true to a buy-and-hold strategy found it harder to hold up in the sideways markets we have seen for much of this year. This apart, funds that followed a more growth-oriented strategy also saw poorer performance as value came to the fore.
Our changes in equity Prime Funds over the past few quarters have been aimed at curbing underperformance where it was stark and identifying up-and-coming funds early. To this extent, our equity fund recommendations have held up well. The changes we’re making to the recommendations are minimal. We have, however, explained the underperformance in some of the funds and which we are watching for improvement.
Equity – Moderate (Active and Passive)
In this set of Prime Funds, we have removed ICICI Prudential Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 ETF FoF that comes under the Passive category. We chose this as the index had showcased the ability to both deliver long-term returns and protect downsides. The Nifty 100 Low Vol 30 has served the purpose of containing downsides; its monthly downside capture ratio holds up well. However, the index has been returning far lower than the Nifty 100 (a limitation in factor-based indices is that historical levels that are calculated and provided prior to the index’s actual launch are often theoretical to fit the factors chosen. Real-time performance can differ).
On a rolling 1-year basis, the return differential between the Nifty 100 and the Nifty Low Vol 30 has gone up to even 10 percentage points at times in past 2 years. The stark differential has also impacted the longer-term returns as well, with the two indices very similar in returns. In the absence of healthy returns, there is limited purpose that the Low Vol index may serve.
Continue to hold investments made so far in the ICICI Pru Nifty 100 Low Vol 30 FoF, if you have any. It can retain its purpose of protecting downsides. However, avoid making further investments in the fund and increasing exposure. For any SIPs, you can divert the amount to an index fund tracking the Nifty 50 or the Nifty 100, or even in active funds that score on downside containment and low volatility.
There are no other changes we are making in the Equity – Moderate Prime Funds set. However, we’d like to explain the performance of two funds as below. Please note that the funds remain part of the recommendation. We will alert you if any action is required.
- Canara Robeco Flexicap fund has been trailing the Nifty 500 TRI for the past couple of quarters. The margin of underperformance is not very deep ranging at about 2-4 percentage points. The fund’s growth-oriented investment style has pinched returns as value came to the fore. That saw the fund be underweight on some sectors and stocks that outperformed. For example, while the fund had a heavy banking weight, it held more in stocks such as HDFC Bank that were underperformers. It did not hold as much in capital goods, auto, cement, or realty all of which were outperforming sectors. Its IT and chemicals picks hurt, while its consumer picks are only just looking up. We are not too worried about the fund’s performance at this time. We are watching performance and will take a call if necessary.
- Parag Parikh Flexi Cap buckled under the pressure faced by its US stock exposure. That exposure has come down to 15% of the portfolio now from 29% in January 2022 on account of stock price correction; the fund has used the correction to average in these stocks. The domestic portfolio is holding up well and its value tilt can continue to see it perform. We have explained the fund in more detail earlier. The fund remains part of our list.
Equity – Aggressive (Active and Passive)
In this Prime Funds category, we have removed UTI Flexicap from the list. We had noted its underperformance in the previous review but had retained it stemmed from some contrarian calls. However, the depth of underperformance has worsened over the past quarter and the fund now trails the Nifty 500 TRI by about 14-15 percentage points on a rolling 1-year return basis. Apart from a higher holding in IT stocks that weighed, the fund was also underweight on outperforming sectors such as auto and financials. The fund does have exposure to sectors and stocks with potential such as cement, niche IT, capital goods and consumption. However, without signs of performance improvement, it is best to stop further investments in the fund. Stop SIPs if running and retain all investments made so far.
We have also removed Union Small Cap from the list. This is not due to performance. The fund’s manager Vinay Paharia, who was instrumental in its turnaround, has resigned. The investment processes he put in place continue to hold and the current fund manager was co-managing the fund earlier. However, we wish to be cautious on the fund given the category, the fund’s smaller size, and the role Mr Paharia played in its performance improvement. Stop SIPs if running and retain all investments made so far.
In the Passive section of this Prime Funds category, we are adding Motilal Oswal S&P 500 index fund. This index fund tracks the S&P 500 index, a US market index that represents the 500 largest and most liquid US stocks. The index is a major US market index and is more diversified and less tech-heavy than the Nasdaq 100 index. This index fund was earlier part of Prime Funds, which we removed last January due to RBI’s restrictions on funds investing internationally and funds closing off fresh subscriptions in consequence. As this fund is now accepting fresh inflows, we are adding it back. It can be used by those looking to diversify their portfolio overseas.
There are no other changes we are making in the Equity – Aggressive Prime Funds set. However, we’d like to explain the performance of two funds as below. Please note that the funds remain part of the recommendation. We will alert you if any action is required.
- PGIM Flexicap is currently trailing the Nifty 500 TRI. This is a fund we added for its ability to churn portfolios to play different themes. The fund is a tad more aggressive with a higher mid-cap and small-cap allocation, which has hurt recent returns. This apart, some focused exposures such as Infosys, HDFC Bank, CAMS, as well as smaller holdings in other stocks hurt. However, the fund’s strategy of quick churn and identifying performers continues to hold good and it has made several timely entry, book profit, and exit calls. Its long-term returns are also well above peers and index.
- SBI Focused Equity has fallen behind the Nifty TRI in 1-year returns which has marginally spilled over into 3-year returns. For focused funds, a bigger underperformance is not surprising owing to the concentrated stock holdings which amplifies the impact of calls going wrong. In this fund, the top bets of Reliance Industries, HDFC and Infosys have all served to stymie returns. It also follows a buy-and-hold strategy which has taken a backseat in this shifting market. the fund’s portfolio is otherwise made up of sound stocks that tap into a very wide range of opportunities. Given the category and strategy, some underperformance is to be expected. The fund has gone through bouts of poor performance earlier as well and emerged strong. We are watching performance and will take a call if performance further deteriorates.
Equity – Strategy & Thematic
We are increasingly of the view that adding some thematic funds, if one can time them reasonably, will help generate alpha better than going with just an all-diversified fund portfolio. This view stems from the steadily growing challenges for regular active equity funds to beat their benchmark in recent years. We highlighted in our Prime Funds Review for 2022 on how both the thematic funds we added in 2022 delivered well as their entry was timely. This year too, we would like to focus on such tactical entry points. Towards this, we have made some changes to this category.
We have removed Invesco India Infrastructure that we added in 2021. While the timing of this call was right and it beat the market over the past 6 months, the fund has underperformed peers due to stock holdings that looked sound but did not participate in the ensuing rally. We now want to focus only on specific segments to play the core sector recovery and are therefore removing it. You can exit whenever your exposure (as a proportion of your portfolio) goes 3-4 percentage points more than where you started.
We have removed Tata Digital. We remain positive about the IT sector, as a contrarian pick. We already have one fund to play this space and are therefore removing this fund to reduce the duplication and make the list more concise. Continue to hold this fund if you are already invested, as its prospects remain good.
We have added Motilal Oswal Nifty Bank Index to add to our already existing active fund from the banking & financial services sectors. For those of you who want to hug the bank index (which continues to outperform Nifty from 2022), this will be a passive route. Thus far, only ETFs were available to play this index. With this, you can go passive. The fund is best bought on market falls (invest on dips). You don’t need this fund if you already holding a banking fund. The banking sector has already rallied well and entry points have to be only on market dips.
We are once again adding ICICI Prudential Commodities. We had given a book profit call on the fund in mid-2022, and asked you to retain the remaining holding in the fund. Therefore, if you hold the fund, continue to do so. This fund is playing the core sector recovery through cement and steel. In our view, the cement sector is undergoing consolidation and a clear recovery. In steel, prospects for local steel demand remain elevated even as global prices may have cooled from their peak. We expect this fund together with banking funds, manufacturing fund and the transportation fund (the last 2 we already have in the list), to benefit from the core sector recovery.
Hybrid funds
Considering that markets may remain volatile for some time, we have focused on adding hybrid funds that can reduce any fall and deliver equity-linked returns.
Hybrid – Moderate Risk
We have added Quant Absolute, a risky hybrid fund with two-thirds in equity and rest in debt. This fund, similar to funds from the same AMC, takes tactical calls, churning its portfolio often in the process. In debt, though, the fund sticks to safe options such as government securities, deposits and treasury bills. The fund has beat its category convincingly over 1 and 3-year rolling return periods. It will however remain volatile (going by its high standard deviation) and is suitable for high-risk investors.
We have added another differentiated fund - ICICI Pru Multi-Asset Fund. This addition is from the multi asset allocation category, one that we usually avoid. We made the exception in this case as ICICI Pru Multi-Asset not only invests in the usual equity debt and gold asset classes that multi asset funds do, but also chooses commodities such as silver and oil futures, to play tactically. Besides, the fund uses derivatives both in equity (for arbitrage) as well interest rate swaps (in debt). This both contains downside as well as helps add to returns. This ability to go anywhere there is return potential makes it useful to counter poor equity performance in years of market consolidation.
If you leave out Quant Multi Asset, which makes more short-term equity calls to generate returns, ICICI Pru Multi-Asset convincingly beats all other peers and measures up quite well even with the equity hybrid fund category. Treat this fund as part of your moderate risk allocation. Do not try to use it as a one-fund-for-all-asset classes option. It is simply another hybrid fund that can help returns during market consolidation and counter equity risk. The fund tends to have an equity orientation for tax purposes.
We have removed Mirae Asset Hybrid Equity from this category. This fund has seen underperformance since early 2022 but has narrowed it later in the year. Still, its growth-oriented approach (as with other Mirae funds) may see some underperformance in 2023 too, as value continues to gain traction in the market. We continue to have a ‘buy’ on Mirae Asset Hybrid Equity in our MF Review Tool. You can hold investments made as well as continue existing SIPs. We removed the fund also because we already have two aggressive hybrid funds in the set and we’d like to keep the list concise and make space for the two differentiated funds we added here.
Hybrid – Low Risk
In this category, we removed DSP Dynamic Asset Allocation - one of our trusted funds from the balanced advantage/dynamic asset allocation category. This fund continues firmly on the side of conservatism with low net equity and its risk-adjusted returns remained high. However, it has now slipped over the past 2 quarters and has delivered lower than arbitrage funds in the past year. These comparative lower returns make it less attractive at this time. You can continue to hold this fund for tax efficiency and as a hedge to your equity portfolio. Fresh investments can be done in other funds from our list. The other funds in this set - arbitrage and equity savings (in that order) - will continue to serve the purpose of low risk in equity.
Debt funds
After reacting negatively to a series of interest rate hikes in 2022, bond markets have taken a breather. Our Prime debt outlook (2023) details what we expect in 2023 and how to go about investing. Our debt funds are fully game to take on moderate rate hikes and flat periods (provided you choose the right bucket of funds for your purposes). While shorter duration yields have moved up pretty quickly, there is also opportunity in the longer duration space if rates begin to fall in the later part of the year or in 2024. Towards this, we have added a fund from the short duration category with high yield but with a higher duration as well.
Debt – Medium term
We have added ICICI Pru Short Term Fund in this Prime Funds set, where we usually house medium duration or corporate bond funds. This fund’s current portfolio YTM is 7.76%. It has well over a third in G-Secs but 12% of such exposure is to floating rate G-Secs. As a result, despite an average maturity of 5.2 years, its modified duration is much lower at 1.5 years. This fund can give the advantage of high yields if rates remain high and also help participate to some extent in any price rally when rates fall. We have added the fund to the medium-term space owing to its higher maturity profile. You will accordingly need the time frame we have specified for this category if you wish to invest in this fund. You don’t need to switch any existing corporate bond funds just for the sake of entering this fund now.
Prime ETFs
Prime ETFs is our list of recommended ETFs in equity, debt, and gold. We look at multiple factors to draw up this list, ranging from short-term and long-term tracking error, expense ratio, trading volumes and usefulness of the index in a portfolio. In this review, we have made very few changes.
Moderate Risk
We removed ICICI Prudential Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 ETF under the equity-moderate risk category. This ETF is still good at containing downside but has struggled to beat the parent index meaningfully. You will find more details earlier in this report where we have mentioned the FoF of this index from the same AMC. You can continue to hold the ETF as an option to contain market falls but avoid any fresh investments for long term. You will be better off with a Nifty 50 or Nifty 100 ETF or index fund.
Strategic and thematic
We have removed Kotak Nifty Bank ETF owing to marginally higher market price and NAV deviation compared with Nippon Bank BeES. You can continue to hold this ETF if you own it; do not exit.
We have added Nippon India Nifty Pharma ETF. This ETF mirrors the Nifty Pharma index, which houses the 20 largest pharma stocks by free float market cap. This is a highly concentrated index with top 3 constituents accounting for over 50%. Pharma as a sector has gained traction as pharma companies have moved from doing just contract manufacturing to taking on end-to-end solutions from research to implementation to manufacturing. While the sector receives lower weight in the bellwether index compared with larger sectors such as banking and IT, it has been gaining ground post Covid with increased focus on medical research. The pharma index underperformed the market in 2022 but this has helped valuation settle to reasonable levels. This ETF is suitable only for long-term investors with a high risk appetite and the ability to take volatility. Mix this thematic ETF along with market-cap based index ETFs.
You can view the full Prime Funds list here.
You can view the full Prime ETFs list here.
24 thoughts on “Quarterly review: Changes to recommendations in Prime Funds & Prime ETFs”
Icici pru has recommended to follow accrual strategy and has recommended UST, medium term, credit risk and all seasons bond fund. What is your view on that?
Essentially the fund has asked to you buy all their funds 🙂 Please use our review tool to check buy or hold or sell on the said funds. Our debt outlook will be out soon. That will provide direction. thanks, Vidya
Thanks for the review. I have 2 questions
1) With many funds moving to hold, won’t the total number of funds and expense paid for the fund increase with time? Is it okay to hold so many funds in the portfolio?
2) When do we start adding ICICI Pru Nifty IT ETF? With IT sector facing headwinds is this a good time to start accumulating ETF units?
1. your expense ratio is proportionate to the total assets you hold. not the total funds. With time, of course, you can and should reduce funds. We have also addressed that in many articles.
2. Yes you should and add on dips.
Hi Team,
Have stopped SIP in SBI Focused Equity and Holding this. Any Advice?
Thanks, Vijay
SBI Focused remains part of the Prime Funds list. We have also not given stop SIP recommendations. We have only mentioned reasons for recent underperformance in the report. Please remain invested. – thanks, Bhavana
Thank you Madam! Vijay
I guess most the funds you have recommended and i have invested are in either watch list or sell. I am thinking whether it was a right decision to take Prime Investor subscription. You guys are changing recommendations every now and then. Sell is not just sell right as you know it has implication of exit load, capital gains etc. I know that no one can predict the future but at least to some extent you guys should be able to do based on the analysis and data, that is what we are paying you for right.
My Investment list
SBI focused equity – Watch list
Parag Parikh Flexi Cap – Watch list?
Axis Mid – Hold
Axis Small – Hold
Axis Bluechip – Hold
We understand your concerns. Let us clarify a bit. SBI Focused and Parag Parikh Flexicap are not on watch list. We have explained the reasons for the funds’ underperformance as there may be many of you who are concerned about returns not measuring up. We separately field queries from customers on our recommended fund performance, so our intention in these quarterly reviews is to explain performance of some funds where it may be worrying.
As far as the Axis funds go, that call was driven primarily due to the front-running charges that the AMC has faced. It was a decision we made at the time as we had to balance the potential risks (regulatory/legal/redemption pressures etc) with the information available and we very consciously erred on the side of conservatism there. The funds have also turned underperformers.
Please note that hold calls are not sells. Funds we remove from the list are also not sells unless we explicitly mention it as such. – thanks, Bhavana
(Edited for clarity)
Hello Team Primeinvestor,
Thank you for the quarterly updated review. It is really useful review to take stock of things. I was looking for a similar product like ICICI Pru MultiAsset Fund . Is this fund considered as equity or debt product for taxation purpose?
Do you have any view on ICICI Pru Passive MultiAsset FOF? I see they have lot of ETF’s and also foreign ETF’s bundled into one product. I would appreciate your comments on the above fund. Thanks
Have you considered the expense ratio of ICICI Pru Multi Asset Fund? It is a bit high at 1.16 %.
The category in general has higher expense ratios given the nature of management involved. It’s not alarming, and the fund is a good performer in the category and has deftly changed its portfolio to cover different asset opportunities. – thanks, Bhavana
Based on portfolio trends, the I Pru Multi Asset fund has been equity-oriented for tax purposes.
The passive FoF will have limited use. You can well hold individual passive funds/ETFs and allocate weights based on your timeframe and risk. If at all, this fund can at best be treated like the multi-asset fund above, as another hybrid diversifier to a portfolio. It can’t be taken as a fund to address asset allocation changes in your overall portfolio. – thanks, Bhavana
Please correct me if I’m wrong but I’m starting to be a little concerned with so much churn in Prime Funds recommendations. A lot of active funds can routinely underperform and I think it’s useful to distinguish between structural underperformance and cyclical underperformance.
Most of the funds that I chose from the Prime Funds list have been removed – Axis Smallcap, DSP Midcap, ICICI Low Vol ETF and DSP Dynamic Asset allocation fund. What is the use of holding active funds if we keep churning the portfolio so frequently? We are then essentially buying high and selling low. I think there is enough acceptance in the investment community that one needs to hold active funds for a long enough period to tide over occassional underperformance.
Here is a more fundamental question. We want fund managers to have a long term mindset, then why do we have such a short term mindset while evaluating funds? Would it be better to be more patient and have a more qualititative approach towards evaluating fund performance?
Here is another question. When we recommend investors to have at least a 3 year horizon (ideally 5) when investing in equity funds, why do we ourselves look at 1 year rolling returns to judge performance?
Sir – rolling 1 year returns over 3 years (so essentially 4 years) is a extremely good way to understand fund turnarounds (both improving and falling). This will never come up in 3 years. hence, we use both rolling 1 year over 3 years (time period of 4 years essentially) and rolling 3-year return over 3 years (6 year period essentially)to assess the key metrics. And this has shown better signals than using only longer period of 3 year and 5 year.
Thank you for clarifying!
Hi Kanishk,
Our endeavour is never to churn portfolio and we gain nothing by doing so. A few things will help aclrify.
1. First, It will help to know the primary purpose of Prime Funds. it is to showcase the list of worthy funds TODAY. That is all that it will do. The funds removed are not sells and will continued to be monitored through the MF review tool. You should use it to see if the funds remain in hold and more often than not they will. If we do not remove the steady underperformers, we will never be able to add new funds that show promise. You will appreciate none of these funds are a ‘SELL’.
2. Also, it will be worthwhile to know that we are NOT portfolio managers. We provide tools for you to do it. Our job is to identify funds that are undergoing a shift – either because the fund’s calls failed and underperformance is huge to fill the gap or the market is structurally shifting (from growth to value..which happened now). Then there will be outlier cases like Axis Smallcap where we were forced to give a call despite outperformance due to regulatory issues.
3. Experience tells us that the margin of underperformance when it widens to double digits, will make comeback very difficult.
We want fund managers to perform at least in line with index 🙂 That is their mandate right? If the market delivers 8% and a fund manager fails to deliver even that – there is no reason for you to be paying a fund management fee. Index fund should do right? Let’s not lose sight of this.
On cyclical dips – of course we make that distinction. We waited for contra funds to perform when quality outperformed. Now contra is outperforming and we added more with value to ride it. This is necessary in any active management. Otherwise, it is easier to stick to passive funds – which we do encourage.
the current market moves are not like earlier – there are too many factors influencing and fund managers cannot get easy signals. This is the reason why some fund houses that take tactical calls are outperforming now, not for a year or two but for 3-5 years now continuously. So we cannot lose sight of it. Performance is always RELATIVE. When that relative performance gap is too high – for several quarters in a row, that is when we actually take a call to even move a fund to a ‘hold’. A sell call is a last resort and is seldom given easily.
Dear Vidya,
Thank you very much for the detailed explaination. I fully agree with your views that it is better to dynamically manage MF portfolio’s. I used to earlier follow buy a fund and keep adding SIP. It ended up underperforming the respective index. Last 3-4 years returns has been better since I have started reshuffling funds/ stocks not doing well for long time compared to it’s peers. Unfortunately the buy and hold statergy is not working these days. Please continue to reshuffle the recommend MF and stocks which are under performing as per your criteria. 🙂
Hello Sir, thanks! We will, to the best of our ability 🙂 Vidya
Thank you for your detailed response. I’ll share my perspective of why this concerns me.
I personally have my own conviction in two funds in my long term MF portfolio (Parag Parikh Flexicap and Kotak Nasdaq 100 etc). I have been relying on PrimeInvestor to provide me with research on which funds I can choose in some other categories (mid cap, small cap, smart beta etc) hoping that I wouldn’t need to change those funds too often.
The main concern from my side is that a “HOLD” recommendation from PrimeInvestor’s side doesn’t help from a perspective of a customer who is doing regular SIPs. Most of us keep are salaried and we rely on regular cashflow to make additional regular investments in mutual funds. If I have 6 funds in my portfolio and 4 of them are Prime Fund recommendations, and if all those 4 get marked as “Hold”, I need to then find other funds in the same category for fresh investments. This adds unnecessary portfolio bloat.
> Our endeavour is never to churn portfolio and we gain nothing by doing so
I understand that. My argument is that it also doesn’t help your customers who make regular investments (using the SIP route) and rely on Prime Fund recommendations.
It would be great if you can share data on what % of funds have stayed as Prime Funds and “Buy” recommendations since it’s inception? If that number is lesser than 30%, then the odds of a customer finding a decent fund that they can continue to SIP in for the long term become extremely low.
As a long term investor, I’m personally not interested in insights on short term outperformance / underperformance. So, it may be worth considering this as another benefit which PrimeInvestor can provide. Maybe, a list of funds that have performed well over a long term period, have sound methodology and for which BUY/HOLD recommendations don’t change that often.
Over 60-65% have stayed since launch. It is not as bad as you seem to think. There will definitely not be a coffee can portfolio in active funds. Yes we do have a great list of buy recommendations and we encourage investors to go for it when they write to us with the problem that you legitimately have. Those are passive funds 🙂 We think investors should give it a serious though. thanks, Vidya
Thank you for taking the time to clarify. I appreciate it!
ICICI Pru Multi-Asset Fund is a welcome addition , Has been a good performer on returns as well as protected downsides well
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