Podcast : MF Consultation paper, Adani investigation & Market levels

What is the podcast about?

In this first episode of the PrimeInvestor podcast, our host Gaurav Menon and co-founder Vidya Bala discuss various topics related to personal finance and the Indian markets.

We then discuss recent market headlines, including the rally in Adani group stocks following a report by a Supreme Court-appointed panel stating no evidence of stock price manipulation, LIC’s significant earnings growth, the recovery of US tech stocks, India’s GDP beating expectations, and the upcoming release of May auto sales numbers. Gaurav asks Vidya about the valuation perspective of the Nifty (Indian stock market index), to which she explains their own tool, the Nifty Valuation Momentum Indicator, currently indicating that the Nifty’s valuation is still lower than historical levels.

The conversation shifts to a key regulatory event in the mutual fund industry, the Mutual Fund Consultation Paper. Vidya explains the paper’s focus on cost rationalization, performance-based expense ratios, and curbing the practice of scheme switches by imposing lower commissions. She discusses SEBI’s aim to reduce costs, increase transparency, and ensure investors benefit from the economies of scale. Vidya highlights the changes in expense ratio slabs and the inclusion of additional expenses within the total expense ratio (TER), resulting in a more uniform charging structure across different schemes. These changes are expected to benefit investors by reducing costs and preventing unnecessary scheme switches.

Overall, this inaugural episode provides an overview of PrimeInvestor’s services, covers recent market headlines, and delves into the Mutual Fund Consultation Paper’s potential impact on investors.

Key segments in the podcast discussion

  • Introduction to PrimeInvestor and its independent and low-cost subscription model (0:00 – 2:19)
  • Discussion of recent market headlines (2:20 – 3:16)
  • Explanation of the Nifty Valuation Momentum Indicator and its indication of the Nifty’s valuation being lower than historical levels (3:17 – 5:28)
  • Adani investigation (5:29 – 7:56)
  • Big tech stocks (7:57 – 9:49)
  • Overview of the Mutual Fund Consultation Paper, focusing on cost rationalization, performance-based expense ratios, and curbing scheme switches through lower commissions (9:50 – 18:09)
  • Highlighting the changes in expense ratio slabs and the inclusion of additional expenses within the total expense ratio (TER), resulting in a more uniform charging structure across schemes (18:10 – 22:23)
  • Cost switches by distributors and how to deal with it (22:24 – 24:24)
  • SEBI data on the differential between direct and regular plans – in the MF consultation paper – (24:25 – 27:14)
  • Disclaimers (27:15 – 28:07)

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7 thoughts on “Podcast : MF Consultation paper, Adani investigation & Market levels”

  1. Very informative. My suggestion…. You need to focus more on Individual Stocks and send shorter podcasts on a daily basis.

    1. Thank you sir. Daily basis would not be feasible with our bandwidth ๐Ÿ™‚ Stocks – we will discuss as part of news event. Otherwise would be subject to SEBI Advertisement code. We have to work within the regulatory limitations. thanks, Vidya

  2. The link to Apple Podcasts is broken. I cannot find your podcast in Apple Poscasts. Can you please share the link?

  3. Bhagvan bhai Sabhani

    Your new initiative, the podcast is very informative and covers relevant points. I liked it. However, I would prefer a small podcast of 10 to 15 minutes at weekly interval , a 28 minutes podcast is bit long. Looking forward to next podcast.

    1. Thank you for your kind words and constructive feedback on our podcast. We are glad to hear that you found it informative and relevant. We appreciate your suggestion to make our podcast shorter and more frequent. We are constantly tuning all aspects of our podcast (including length) based on feedback like yours. Please stay tuned for our next podcast episode and let us know what you think.

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