We are delighted to announce the launch of Prime Stocks โ€“ our list of recommended stock picks that investors can use to build an equity portfolio and augment their investment returns.

This offering will complement our core investment recommendations across mutual funds, ETFs, and deposits.

prime stocks

Apart from Prime Stocks, our equity platform also comes with a powerful Stock screener tool. And, as with all our products, these will be ably supplemented by regular, high-quality reports to keep you well-informed about our picks and overall market events.

We have published a separate article about how we go about picking stocks and how you should view and use them โ€“ you can find it here in our Prime Stocks โ€“ Our Philosophy article.

In this article, I would like to make a few broad points about our launch and how it changes our product offerings.

#1 About the launch itself

This is a tough market to launch this product in ๐Ÿ™‚ . The liquidity fueled bull market that is presently on, is rife with soaring valuations and high prices. Picking stocks is not just about quality, but also of value. And, it has been a challenge to identify value in this market, to put it mildly.

Nevertheless, in the truest spirit of not trying to time the market, we soldier on and launch our recommendations. We hope the markets will sober up in due course and will give us occasions not just to identify new opportunities, but also to accumulate more of the quality stocks that we have identified already.

Prime Stocks will contain 4 lists:

  • a list of stocks that you can buy
  • a list of stocks that we are watching presently (and may move to buy at an opportune time)
  • a list of stocks to hold (but not buy more of)
  • and a list of stocks that we have exited out of (Sell).

All the stocks that are listed as โ€˜buyโ€™ have detailed rationale backing our recommendation along with plenty of data for you to peruse. And, obviously, at the time of our launch, the lists of stocks to hold and sell are empty.

#2 Stock screener tool

Prime Stocks is not the only thing we are launching as part of our equity platform. We have also developed a powerful stock screener tool that you can use to identify investment opportunities in the market yourself. Our subscribers will also have access to pre-built screeners and advanced filters that will make it easier while adding more power to your pursuits.

You can read more about the stock screener tool here.

#3 Plans and pricing

Creating and maintaining a stock recommendation platform and service is a significant endeavor. To support our efforts to keep it going, we have decided to price it separately. However, we also realize that not all customers need access to or have interest in stock picks. So, we have created two pricing plans that one can choose from:

Prime Essentials: Subscribers to this plan will receive recommendations across mutual funds, ETFs, deposits, and term insurance, along with access to our ready-to-use portfolios and the MF review tool. Simply put, all that was available in the platform before the launch of our stocks platform.

Prime Growth: This will be a comprehensive plan that will include everything in the Essentials plan plus the stock recommendations, stock and stock market related analysis and outlook and tools.

As discerning readers will know, our pricing has been the most competitive in the market relative to all comparable services that provide research-backed guidance, recommendations, and solutions.

And with the launch of the equity platform, that will continue to be true.

The latest information on our pricing plans can be found in our pricing page.

Astute readers will be able to note that the way we have packaged and priced our offerings is also reflective of our overall investment philosophy โ€“ it is fine for investors to stay with reasonable investment options in the world of mutual funds and deposits, and it is great if they can additionally augment their investments with stocks.

#4 Existing customers

Customers who subscribed to our services until before our launch deserve our appreciation and gratitude. Their encouragement, feedback, and support have been vital ingredients to our growth story.

In recognition of the same, we are glad to offer the equity platform to them at no extra cost for the entire year of 2021 (so long as their membership/subscription is valid and renewed before expiry). This offer is for all active subscribers until the equity platform launch. At the end of the year, one could opt for either the Essentials package or the Growth package going forward as needed.

And, finallyโ€ฆ

We launched the PrimeInvestor platform exactly one year ago today (January 15, 2020). On this anniversary day, we are happy to launch a much-anticipated addition to our offerings.

Our mission has always been to provide high-quality research and recommendations across personal finance products at an affordable cost to a lot of people using a digital platform. Todayโ€™s launch marks a significant forward progress along that path.

And, as we move forward, we stand firm in our resolve to put the investorโ€™s interests first, at all times, staying away from any conflict of interest. This has not been easy. We have been, over the year, criticized and even asked to pull down some of our content that called out bad products. We have also been subtly ridiculed for embracing a business model with โ€˜low pricingโ€™ for the โ€˜retail investorโ€™. But our philosophy remains simple and firm. Whatโ€™s good for the customer is good for us.

We hope this journey is profitable for both you, our customer, and for our little enterprise. We seek your support and good wishes, as always.

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38 thoughts on “Launching Prime Stocks”

    1. If you are already a subscriber, you will have access to the full equity product until December 2021 ๐Ÿ™‚


  1. Sankar Narayanan

    Happy to note you have launched individual stock recommendations for long term wealth creation which is long over due. We are in the Midest of information overdose through both electronic & print media and

  2. Hearty congratulations on completion of first year of service.
    I salute PRIME INVESTOR team.
    I wish you all success in your future endeavours.


  3. I am 72 years old and have been a small investor for almost 50 years. Though a finance professional, I have
    yearned for the type of principled services thay you offer for the past one year. Building such great quality in such a short span of time speaks about the quality of your Team and the leadership. Hats off! God bless!!

  4. Venkata Dora Kantipudi

    As investors we need guidance on dynamic asset allocation which is being addressed from time to time through your articles. It could help if you can maintain model portfolios with recommended allocation percentages to different asset classes.

    1. Hello sir,

      We have Prime Portfolios (https://www.primeinvestor.in/prime-portfolio-home/) which are readymade asset-allocated portfolios for different goals and timeframes. They are built using funds, deposits, and govt schemes. You can invest in the portfolio that fits your requirement or use them as guides. We monitor the portfolios and will inform you about any changes that needs to be made.


  5. Great news, look forward to the Stock product, I’m sure it’ll be as good as your earlier product.
    Wish you and the team the very best.

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