A few days ago, we conducted a survey among our (paid) subscribers. We got a fantastic response for it from our audience. Typically, for such surveys, a response of 5-10% is considered good. We got a whopping 25%+ response rate. That in itself shows how engaged and committed our customers are. Thanks to everyone who gave their opinion!
I wanted to present these survey results with a brief commentary about the responses. We have a very smart readership-base. So, you folks will probably draw better and/or additional conclusions as well 🙂
We had a total of 6 questions, which can be grouped into 3 categories:
- Who is our customer and how they reached us
- How do they see PrimeInvestor and the reason for their signing up
- How they use PrimeInvestor and what they would like to see next
The first set of questions is about understanding our customers, the second about understanding their perception, and third about their needs.
From our perspective, the first set of questions would help us target our marketing efforts better, the second would sharpen our messages, and third would guide our platform development
About our customers
Here are the first two questions and the pattern of responses to them:
Observations: Both these patterns of answers are along expected lines. However, the percentage of people who are DIY/direct plan customers – close to 80% – was a bit surprising. That kinda validates our notion that DIY or direct plan customers will get most value from our platform in terms of ensuring that they have a good portfolio while saving costs. We’re glad to see this perception being shared by our audience.
In terms of how they reached us, our past experience and social media together account for 2/3rds of our customers. A good chunk from Subramoney as well! (Thanks, Subra! 🙂 )
How our customers see us
Here are the next two questions and the responses:
Observations: Things start getting more interesting here. We were very gratified to see that our independent structure as well as our team credentials were the prime motivating factors for people subscribing to our service. Again, it validates the core construct (about being unbiased) that we institutionalized right from the beginning.
About how they view our service, again, it’s good to know that people see us as a ‘research recommendation platform’ and not as just a ‘content platform’. Although, combining this answer with the previous answer (where 59% of people came in for ‘good content’) may suggest that they view our research reports as an inherent part of our research recommendations (along with our prime funds, prime deposits, portfolios etc.)
How our customers use the platform
Here are the final two questions and the responses:
Observations: These answers are very helpful for us to understand the platform’s strengths and future needs. The key insight here is – and this may be an obvious insight – that people like the aspects of the platform that are fresh and/or interactive. Our research content is always fresh and our portfolio review tool is the most interactive of our research tools. The guidance we are getting from our customers is to keep our platform fresh and make it more interactive – including our content aspects. We have some ideas on that which we will roll out soon.
In terms of future direction, stock recommendations and online advisory tool get the most marks apart from stock and MF research tools. Not very surprising, given the nature and flow of customer questions we have had.
Looks like we have our work cut out!
Thanks to everyone who took time to contribute your opinions!
PS: Yes, I had a great time playing around with DataWrapper charts 🙂
2 thoughts on “What you like about PrimeInvestor and what you would like to see next – Survey results”
Will you guys be releasing a Prime Investor app as well, or do you see yourselves as website-only for the foreseeable future?
ummm….website for now 🙂 The rate at which we create the app will be directly proportional to how fast I can learn about headless wordpress and frameworks like Gatsby and react native. But, yes, an app is definitely something we want to have. Thanks for your patience.
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