Many of you ask us which of the stocks in Prime Stocks you should buy. While our response has always been that all the stocks in our buy list are a Buy, there are always some stocks that will seem better than others at certain points, depending on when you enter.

On this special occasion of Diwali, we therefore thought we will highlight 5 Prime stocks that you can enter today without much worry about rich price or valuation.

5 Prime Stocks to BUY during this DIWALI

Here are 5 Prime Picks that you can enter on SAMVAT 2080. Before you dive in, please take time to understand the various categories under Prime Stocks (High growth, compounders, tactical plays, dividend earners and early movers) and decide which ones will fit your portfolio. Also, if you are a new subscriber, please take time to read our article on how to time your entry with Prime Stocks.

The 5 Prime Picks


For detailed analysis, read our report :
Prime Stock recommendation – A financial stock trying to make a comeback โ€“ PrimeInvestor

2. Cipla

5 Prime Stocks to Buy This Diwali - PrimeInvestor

For detailed analysis, read our report:
Prime Stock recommendation – A pharma stock available at a bargain – PrimeInvestor

3. Infosys

5 Prime Stocks to Buy This Diwali - PrimeInvestor

For detailed analysis, read our report:
Stock alert – Narratives and numbers – what to do with Infosys? – PrimeInvestor

4. Marico

5 Prime Stocks to Buy This Diwali - PrimeInvestor

For detailed analysis, read our report:
Prime Stock Recommendation – A consumer stock on a compounding journey – PrimeInvestor

5. V-Guard Industries

5 Prime Stocks to Buy This Diwali - PrimeInvestor

For detailed analysis, read our report here:
Research report of V-Guard Industries

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1. PrimeInvestor Financial Research Pvt Ltd is a SEBI-Registered Research Analyst having SEBI registration number INH200008653. PrimeInvestor Financial Research Pvt Ltd, the research entity, is engaged in providing research services and information on personal financial products. This Research Report (called Report) is prepared and distributed by PrimeInvestor Financial Research Pvt Ltd with brand name PrimeInvestor.

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We or our relative or PrimeInvestor Financial Research Pvt Ltd do not have beneficial ownership of 1% or more in the subject company at the end of the month immediately preceding the date of publication of the Research Report. I/we or my/our relative or PrimeInvestor Financial Research Pvt Ltd do not have any material conflict of interest. I/we have not served as director / officer, etc. in the subject company in the last 12-month period.

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