March 1, 2023

Prime stocks update: An exit call on an insurance stock

In April 2022, we had issued a buy recommendation on a general insurance player, as both the industry and the company itself were emerging from the Covid-driven impact and were poised for growth. Since then, however, the insurance sector has lost market favour as growth has not panned out as expected.

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Prime stocks update: An exit call on an insurance stock Read More ยป

Prime Stocks update: Moving this biotech stock from BUY to a HOLD

When we gave the call of this R&D focused company engaged in the manufacture of enzymes and probiotics, the company had Covid-related challenges but showed promise of growth. It was later also pulled down by consolidation of acquisitions and costs related to new product launches. We therefore knew that the call would take longer to pay off.ย  The stock went through a significant correction after our initial recommendation as earnings disappointed.

Premium article available only to subscribers.

Prime Stocks update: Moving this biotech stock from BUY to a HOLD Read More ยป

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