August 25, 2022

Rakesh Jhunjhunwala – in the trail of a legend

With an investment portfolio of $5 billion, Rakesh Jhunjhunwala (RKJ) has left a rich legacy behind him. While he started the journey with a modest capital that compounded over 3 decades, it is a record that may find it hard to be broken. In the words of his close aide Ramesh Damani, a proponent of compounding, it is over 50% CAGR in 35 years.ย 

Rakesh Jhunjhunwala – in the trail of a legend Read More ยป

Prime Stock recommendation: A HOLD call on an auto stock

We are now moving the stock to a โ€˜holdโ€™. That means it will no longer be in our buy list. This means you need not take further exposure to the stock. Do not sell it. Simply hold it. We will let you know if it is time to exit.

Premium article available only to subscribers.

Prime Stock recommendation: A HOLD call on an auto stock Read More ยป

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