PrimeInvestor - Articles and Reports

changes in prime funds
Research Reports
PrimeInvestor Research Team

Quarterly review โ€“ changes in Prime Funds, our mutual fund recommendations

We are living in strange times. No, I am not talking of Covid-19. Your one-year returns of equity funds (across categories), at an average 31% between January to March 22, 2021, zoomed to an average 69% since March 23, 2021. In other words, 1-year returns suddenly doubled from March 23, 2021. If you recall, March 23 2020 was a market low. So, 1-year returns from March 23, 2021, have started looking abnormally high.

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Franklin Judgement
PrimeInvestor Research Team

Franklin judgement – Whatโ€™s said and whatโ€™s left unsaid

SEBI has come out with its order regarding lโ€™affaire Franklin Templeton debt funds. The 100-page document is categorical in its indictment of the AMC and the ways in which these debt funds were managed. 2 messages are clear from the order: One, investor protection is paramount to the regulator. Two, fund managers and AMCs cannot take their fund management responsibility lightly.

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Mutual funds & ETFs
Bhavana Acharya

Prime Recommendation: 2 floating rate debt funds for medium time frames

With interest rates being where they are โ€“ i.e., stable with no clear signs of a move upwards or downwards โ€“ you would wonder where you could hold investments meant for a 2-3 year timeframe. And many of you also wonder if the best option you have is to go for floating rate debt funds as they would have an edge over other debt fund categories.

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Mutual funds & ETFs
Bhavana Acharya

Prime Recommendation: Mid-cap returns with would-be bluechips

Thereโ€™s another index that gives mid and small-cap funds a good run for their money while housing far bigger names. This is a high return index if highly volatile one, and can be used in long-term portfolios to give returns a boost.

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Mutual funds & ETFs
Vidya Bala

3 reasons why you should not rollover your FMPs now

A recent addendum by Aditya Birla Sun life suggested that investors rollover some of the AMCโ€™s FMPs that are maturing. The reason was that given the low-rate scenario, investors are unlikely to get good interest rates outside once they exit. And that staying invested would provide indexation benefit for capital gains and earn higher returns.
But some investors raised the doubt on whether the FMPs under question were in trouble. We therefore looked at their portfolios. They had high-quality AAA-holdings are unlikely to have had any pressure on repayment. In other words, there does not appear any credit related rollover compulsion.

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Franklin funds
Mutual funds & ETFs
PrimeInvestor Research Team

Should you exit from ALL Franklin funds now?

Many of our customers have written to us asking whether they should continue with the Franklin Templeton funds that they hold. People are worried not just about debt funds, but about the future of their equity funds as well. These worries are not misplaced given recent developments at the fund house.
As readers of this space know, we have been tracking the performance of this fund house from a time well before the crisis relating to the decision to wind up six debt schemes unfolded. So, for us here at PrimeInvestor, this question of what to do with your holdings is not tough to answer.

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perpetual bonds
Mutual funds & ETFs
Vidya Bala

What to do if your MF holds perpetual bonds?

Perpetual bonds have caused some sleepless nights for fund managers after SEBIโ€™s circular earlier this month. On March 10th, SEBI issued a circular capping the debt scheme exposure to perpetual bonds at 10% and also laying down new rules how these bonds should be valued in debt scheme portfolios. We wrote a short take on it last week suggesting that you wait for clarity. SEBI has now come up with one more circular offering some clarification.

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debt funds
Mutual funds & ETFs
Bhavana Acharya

Which debt funds to hold now and other questions, answered

Debt funds are back to worrying many of you. Returns are dipping, thereโ€™s a lot of talk on yield movements both at home and in the US, thereโ€™s the question of where rates will head now. Over the course of the past several weeks, we have fielded several questions from you on what this means and what you should be doing with your debt funds.

Weโ€™ve written extensively on the developments in the debt space in different articles. But hereโ€™s answering the questions that appear to worry you the most.

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target maturity
Mutual funds & ETFs
Vidya Bala

2 target maturity government bond fund NFOs โ€“ Should you invest?

Target maturity funds invest with a stated maturity and pay you back when the maturity is reached. You can call them an FMP but one that is open-ended and takes fresh inflows and outflows.
With yields beginning to move up, more funds are now beginning to talk about โ€˜roll down strategyโ€™ or a strategy where a maturity date is fixed thereby ensuring that the portfolioโ€™s average maturity steadily falls as it nears maturity. For example, a 2027 target date fund will have a 6-year maturity now and a 5-year maturity in 2022 and so on, until the maturity reduces to near zero in 2027.

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