3 Pros and Cons of ELSS Funds – the ultimate guide
Many investors have a soft spot for investment products that let you save on taxes. Here we take a quick look at what ELSS funds are and then at the pros and cons of ELSS funds.
Many investors have a soft spot for investment products that let you save on taxes. Here we take a quick look at what ELSS funds are and then at the pros and cons of ELSS funds.
We think the time is right to partially sell your holdings of this API maker and hold the rest.
Becoming a parent affects every aspect of your life and your money is no exception. You not only have to plan for your own life goals, but for those of your children as well, such as education. For the purpose of building a corpus for young daughters, the Sukanya Samriddhi Account Scheme is an attractive option to evaluate.
However, when evaluating the Sukanya Samriddhi option, a common question is how it compares with child mutual funds. So if it is Sukanya Samriddhi vs Child mutual fund, which one should you choose?
Pharma companies in the API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) space in India have struggled in the past couple of years, confronted by rising input costs, poor price realization and competition from China even while remaining dependent on China for inputs. All these also impact the even-otherwise modest margins.
Some of these challenges appear to be abating, providing an opportunity to pick select API players in the pharma space.
We at PrimeInvestor, recommend reinforcing your insurance arsenal with a critical illness cover in addition to a hospitalization plan in order to secure your finances against medical emergencies. We have covered what you should look for when shopping for a critical illness cover in our earlier article titled ‘What to look for in a critical illness health plan’. We have also shortlisted a few critical illness covers in the market based on these criteria and reviewed them in detail.
The plans we have reviewed so far are:
Activ Secure Critical Illness Plan by Aditya Birla Health Insurance,
Criti Care policy by Bajaj Alianz General Insurance,
IFFCO Tokio’s Critical Illness Benefit Policy and
Star Critical Illness Multipay Insurance Policy.
Here, we add to this list with our review of Tata AIG’s Criti-MediCare Insurance.
Picking a stock in the pharma space is not easy. The businesses are complex and can leave you feeling like you are preparing for a mini-MBBS. What’s more – no two companies are alike. To compound matters, it is also a heavily regulated space (and rightly so) with complex supply chains very often, heavily reliant on China. Not only do most end products have names that sound like tongue twisters but can be governed by complex patent regulations.
If you’re a salaried employee then you’ve probably only recovered from the dilemma of old vs new tax regime and the process of collecting all the bills and proofs of investment to submit to your employer for the financial year that will end on March 31, 2023. So if you’re wondering why we are telling you about tax planning for FY 24 when you’ve only just emerged from under a small mountain of rent receipts and pharmacy bills – it is precisely to avoid the mad scramble that inevitably accompanies tax related deadlines that we advocate planning for taxes from right at the start of the financial year.
This gets even more important with several important changes proposed by Budget 2023 coming into force in FY 24.
In this article we will cover:
the key changes proposed by Budget 2023 that you should be aware of in your tax planning,
what you are giving up under the ‘New Tax regime’’
re-examining the role of ‘tax-saving’ investments in your portfolio and
the all-important question of old vs new tax regime
In August 2021, we recommended a sugar manufacturer, well placed to play the ethanol opportunity that was set to change the dynamics of the sugar sector in India. 18 months down the line, the ethanol opportunity has played out as we expected and we have more clarity on this front. But at the same time, stock returns for our chosen candidate stand at just ~5% since our ‘BUY’ recommendation even though it rallied over 30% and also fell by almost 20% in the interim. We think, this calls for an update.
Some of us may be hoarse from shouting about why tax benefits should not be the reason we buy insurance. Shouting notwithstanding, tax treatment remains a key consideration when buying insurance of almost any sort and this is what we look at in this article.
There are two points in time when the tax aspect will have to be kept in mind:
First at the time of premium payment
Second, at the time of a payout in the form of a claim being met or maturity benefits being paid out.
As far as investment products go, ULIPs (short for Unit Linked Insurance Products) have the reputation of being the ‘bad boys’. While investor wariness toward ULIPs in their earlier avatar was justified, they have evolved since their pre-2010 days following changes made by IRDAI. However, ULIPs have still not entirely managed to shake off their reputation. In this article, we pit the present day ULIP vs. mutual funds – and compare them on parameters such as their function, how they invest your money, liquidity, expenses and tax treatment and see how they stack up.
To secure your finances against health emergencies, Primeinvestor recommends combing a hospitalization plan with a critical illness cover. Our earlier article has discussed ‘What to look for in a critical illness health plan’ in detail. We subsequently shortlisted a few critical illness covers, from which we reviewed Activ Secure Critical Illness Plan by Aditya Birla Health Insurance, Criti Care policy by Bajaj Alianz General Insurance and IFFCO Tokio’s Critical Illness Benefit Policy. Here, we review the Star Critical Illness Multipay Insurance Policy. We think this plan has a good structure without being over-complicated.
If one acts quickly, a bad or unsuitable insurance purchase can be reversed. Here, we tell you about how you can use the free look period in life and health insurance policies to your benefit.
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