PrimeTime: Webinar series from PrimeInvestor - Archives
When: February, 2021ย By: Aarati Krishnan
Designing a stock portfolio
As PrimeInvestor launched stock recommendations, Aarati presented this highly useful webinar on designing a stock portfolio. Addressing issues such as:
- Stocks vs mutual fund investing
- How to pick your investing style
- How to stay safe while investing in stocks
- How to monitor your portfolio
- and more…
When: October, 2020ย By: Vidya Bala, Bhavana Acharya
QA session about Mutual fund investing
In this engaging and interactive webinar, our prime researchers Vidya Bala and Bhavana Acharya answer investor questions on various mutual fund investment topics:
- Expense ratios
- Passive vs active investing
- ESG investing
- Debt fund allocations
- Smart beta investing
- and many, many more
When: September, 2020ย By: Nippon Mutual ETF Team
ETF Investing in India
Exchange traded funds are a great way to invest in the stock market at low-cost and effective diversification. In this webinar, the ETF team from Nippon AMC, the folks behind the first ETFs in India, walk through:
- What is an ETF?
- How do they work?
- Benefits of investing in ETF?
- What is the role of ETFs in your portfolio
When: July, 2020ย By: Aarati Krishnan
Guide to buying Term Insurance
Term Insurance is a must-have product in every individual’s portfolio. In this webinar, Aarati walks through the process of buying Term Insurance.
- Who should buy it?
- For how much?
- How to pick the right plan?
- What to choose, what to avoid?
- And more…