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How to communicate with PrimeInvestor

April 6, 2020

At PrimeInvestor, we provide research backed recommendations about various personal finance products, especially relating to investments.

Social Media 

We publish them in the form of recommendation lists (Prime Funds, Prime Deposits etc) on our platform and regularly update them; And we also write detailed research notes on these recommendations and also come up with analytical articles about market conditions, product reviews etc. on our blog.

Our subscribers and readers frequently have questions for us either to get clarifications about our opinions or to get suggestions for their situations. They also have general comments and suggestions for us.

They use three channels to communicate these questions to us: 

Having observed the patterns of such communications over the past few months, we would like to provide the following guidelines on which channel to use for what kind of communication.

Following these simple guidelines will help us serve you better, and we think it will make your experience more instructive as well.

Comments on blog articles

Please use blog comments in these situations:

  1. When you like to make a general comment – appreciative or otherwise – about the article.
  2. When you seek clarification about something in the article  – especially if you think others will benefit from such a clarification as well. This is not applicable for specific product recommendations.
  3. When you would like to augment the article’s content with your own observations or opinions – especially if you think other readers will stand to gain from that as well.

Please do not use blog comments in these situations:

  1. To ask a question about your personal investment or portfolio. We would not be able to answer this in a public forum, and we don’t think it’s advisable for you to post it there either.
  2. To ask specific questions on a product recommendation that we covered in the article. Instead, please write to us.
  3. To make a suggestion for the PrimeInvestor platform that is not related to the content of a particular article.

Comments on social media

Please use social media comments (like twitter replies) in these situations:

  1. When you like to make a general comment about the quality of an article or an opinion.
  2. When you would like to appreciate our services (we sure appreciate these comments 🙂 )
  3. When you want to draw our attention to a question that you sent over email that has gone unanswered (we hope this situation never arises, but if it does, it would be a fair thing to point out in social media)
  4. To make a suggestion or ask a question about the PrimeInvestor platform (although we would appreciate it if you send us these via email first)

Please do not use social media comments in these situations:

  1. To ask a question about your personal investment or portfolio (same as with blog comments)
  2. To ask specific questions on a specific product recommendation that we covered in the article. Instead, please write to us.

Email to contact@primeinvestor.in

Please use emails in these situations:

  1. When you have a question on a specific product recommendation we have made.
  2. When you have a question about the applicability of an article or a recommendation to your particular investments.
  3. When you have a suggestion for our platform
  4. When you have any issue with your account (logging in, access) or when you find any issue on the platform.

Please do not use emails in these situations:

  1. When you want to shower us with compliments – we wish you would do that in social media 🙂

Thank you!!

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