It’s not easy to impress me.

OK, that’s not true. I am not that hard to impress; so let me rephrase that.

It’s not easy to impress me a lot in a short time.

But that’s what happened today – I did not wake up on a Sunday morning looking to get impressed by the writings of a boomer professor in New York.

scott galloway

First, I watched a clip from Friday’s Bill Maher show (big fan) – one guy that spoke was very animated, and very impressive.

So I looked him up. Turns out he’s a NYU Stern professor, has written a few books, and has a blog.

I went to the blog, and started reading – and did not stop for a long time.

(links below)

The guy’s name is Prof. Scott Galloway, professor of Marketing at NYU Stern.

  1. He speaks well
  2. He writes fabulously
  3. He thinks broadly, and where appropriate, deeply
  4. His ideas resonate (with me), and
  5. He’s funny

I recommend you watch, read, and follow him as you find time.

The Youtube clip I saw today: (Scott’s the guy who speaks con furioso)

Link to a blog article that you can start with:

(This article is about the ‘algebra’ of wealth. He has written a book called ‘Algebra of Happiness’)

Happy reading!

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2 thoughts on “Prof Scott Galloway”

  1. His book is also fantastic and the article is on point. Thanks for pointing to his blog. Subscribed.

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