We have

Renamed our
prime portfolios

Here are the new names of the Prime Portfolios, along with links to each portfolio. This will help you stay up-to-date and manage your portfolios more efficiently.


We have changed the names of 18 portfolios. You will continue to receive alerts on the portfolios that you already "Follow".

Old portfolio name

New portfolio name with link
Active portfolio for NRIs (excluding US/Canada NRIs) NRI MF portfolio
Capital preservation portfolio No change
Education portfolio - Investment time frame: 3-5 years Time-frame 3 to 5 years
Education portfolio - Investment time frame: 5-7 years Time-frame 5 to 7 years
Education portfolio - Investment time frame: over 7 years Time-frame greater than 7 years
Emergency portfolio No change
ETF portfolio for NRIs (excluding US/Canada NRIs) No change
High-growth portfolio No change
Home downpayment - Investment time frame: 1-3years Time-frame 1 to 3 years
Home downpayment - Investment time frame: 3-5 years Time-frame 3 to 5 years
Home downpayment - Investment time frame: 5-7 years Time-frame 5 to 7 years
Income and growth portfolio No change
Income generation for retirees in 5% tax bracket No change
Income generation for retirees in the 20-30% tax bracket No change
Investment time frame: 1-3 years No change
Investment time frame: 3-5 years No change
Investment time frame: 5-7 years No change
Investment time frame: less than a year No change
Investment time frame: over 7 years No change
Legacy/Growth portfolio Time-frame 5 to 7 years
Passive investing with equity ETFs No change
Passive investing with index funds No change
Portfolio for US/Canada NRIs No change
Regular Income portfolio No change
Retirement portfolio - Investment time frame: 5-7 years Time-frame 5 to 7 years
Retirement portfolio - Investment time frame: over 7 years Time-frame greater than 7 years
Short-term portfolio - Investment time frame: 1-3 years Time-frame 1 to 3 years
Short-term portfolio - Investment time frame: less than 1 year Time-frame less than 1 year
Tax-saving portfolio No change
The ultimate wealth-building portfolio Time-frame greater than 7 years
Vacation portfolio - Investment time frame: 1-3 years Time-frame 1 to 3 years
Vacation portfolio - Investment time frame: less than 1 year Time-frame less than 1 year
Wedding portfolio - Investment time frame: 3-5 years Time-frame 3 to 5 years
Wedding portfolio - Investment time frame: 5-7 years Time-frame 5 to 7 years
Wedding portfolio - Investment time frame: over 7 years Time-frame greater than 7 years
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