Single income, secure future

Home > Prime Portfolios > Life situation-based > Single income with kids portfolios

As the only bread-winner, you would like to do your utmost to secure your familyโ€™s financial future. Our portfolios can help you save systematically towards your childrenโ€™s education, wedding and of course, your own retirement.


Does your child dream of becoming an ISRO scientist, or a Super Singer? Whatever the dream, you can fund it. Choose the portfolio based on when you plan to fund the education.


Want to set aside some money now to celebrate a life-changing event for your son/daughter? Choose the portfolio that fits your goal time frame.

Retirement target

Donโ€™t put your retirement on the back-burner. A small bit can go a long way! We can help you make a start now. Choose your portfolio based on when you plan to retire.

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