PrimeInvestor - Articles and Reports

covid pakcage
Vidya Bala

Covid package: whatโ€™s in it for your investments?

With the Finance Ministerโ€™s 5th economic package announcement being released even as we write this, the break-up for the Rs 20.97 lakh crore package is out. There can be many chapters to write about each of these packages and what they seek to achieve.

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prime ETFs
PrimeInvestor Research Team

Quarterly Review โ€“ Whatโ€™s in and whatโ€™s out in Prime ETFs?

We have made our quarterly review and changes to our list of recommended ETFs โ€“ Prime ETFs. Before we move to the changes, a brief note on how we pick our ETFs. We start with comparing indices on which ETFs are built. We look at them from their ability to consistently deliver, contain downsides and beat peers and even active funds.

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PrimeInvestor Desk

Prime Q&A: How to handle changes in fund recommendations?

We are starting a new series of posts today. We plan to take REAL questions from customers and publish the question and our answer to it here for everyone’s benefit. We will choose only such questions where the answer would have a wide applicability. Nevertheless, please note that not every question and answer may apply to your specific situation. Caveat Emptor.

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RBI Package
Aarati Krishnan

RBI package โ€“ Whatโ€™s in it for you

Repo and reverse repo rate cut, asymmetric LAF corridor, Long Term Repo Operations, moratorium. With words like these used freely in RBIโ€™s package announced on Friday, ordinary borrowers and investors may be wondering if they have anything to cheer about. If youโ€™ve been puzzled too, here are the measures explained in plain English.

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A good budget for Mr Bond

While the Union Budget 2020 seems to have sorely disappointed stock markets which had built up hopes for everything from a Long-Term Capital Gains tax exemption to a magic pill for the economy, it seems to have given bond markets some reasons to cheer.

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