PrimeInvestor - Articles and Reports

dhandho investor
Srikanth Meenakshi

“The Dhandho investor” – A review

Weโ€™ve heard of fusion music, weโ€™ve heard of fusion cuisine, so why not a fusion book?

Colour me naive, but when I picked up โ€˜The Dhandho Investorโ€™ – a book with an Indian author and an Indian name, I thought it would be about Indian markets and for Indian investors. It was not. Although the author is Indian, and there are many โ€˜Indianโ€™ anecdotes in the book, it is aimed at an American audience.

But that should not stop you from grabbing it and reading it. Itโ€™s a delightful book – expertly written with ideas that you can use in any free market economy.

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millionaire fastlane
Srikanth Meenakshi

“The Millionaire Fastlane” – A review

repreneur forum that I follow, someone asked a question to the group – โ€œWhich books made you the most money?โ€. The answers that followed ranged across topics of investing to motivational to actual business books. But one book that got the most mention was this book by M J DeMarco titled, โ€œThe Millionaire Fastlaneโ€.

However, people who commented on this recommendation seemed quite polarized. Some of them REALLY liked the book, and other others REALLY hated it.

So, I had to buy and read it. ๐Ÿ™‚

I just finished it, and I have to say, I hated it.

But, if you read it, you may like it. And thatโ€™s ok. While not quite liking it, I could quite see why some people will really find it inspiring or at least, alluring.

In this review, let me give you a summary of what the author says, and tell you what I thought about the โ€˜fastlaneโ€™ he recommends.

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Short Takes
Srikanth Meenakshi

Investing in Cryptocurrencies

Occasionally, we get questions at PrimeInvestor about investing in cryptocurrencies. Unsurprisingly, these questions arrive at a higher frequency when these currencies are trading higher and

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mutual fund returns
Investment basics
Srikanth Meenakshi

Understanding mutual fund returns

When it comes to mutual fund returns, two things are true for most mutual fund investors:

It is the most important thing for them
It is among the least understood set of concepts

An advisor may talk about all the nuances of mutual fund investments to an investor – risk mitigation, balancing, diversification, down-side protection etc – but at the end of the day, the person would only care about how much he/she would end up making.

And yet, when it comes to reading and understanding returns, they could make elementary mistakes. For example, once when I recommended an investor invest in a scheme for 5 years for optimal benefit, he said he would invest in it for a year, because โ€œthe fund has better 1-year return than 5-year returnโ€ – obviously going by the most recent numbers.

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monika halan
Srikanth Meenakshi

Monika talks money

A good way to gauge the state of personal finance books that are India-centric would be to visit the โ€˜Bookโ€™ section of Amazonโ€™s India website.

If you go to the American, you will find the โ€˜Business and Moneyโ€™ section, under which you will find โ€˜Personal Financeโ€™. Boom, done – you have access to a treasure trove on all topics PF.

If you go to the Indian, you will find a โ€˜Business and Economicsโ€™ section, and under that, you will find โ€˜Analysis and Strategyโ€™, โ€˜Economicsโ€™, and โ€˜Industriesโ€™. If you, by power of logical reasoning and elimination, go into the first category, you will find, along-side books about American personal finance and self-help (Dale Carnegie!), a smattering of books by Indian authors to help Indian investors.

A handful, at best.

No doubt, this is an emerging section, but the current state of limited selection is properly captured by just browsing through these aisles.

Monika Halanโ€™s โ€˜Letโ€™s talk moneyโ€™ is, especially in this context, a much-needed publication that addresses a sore need in the Indian market.

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expense ratio
Mutual funds & ETFs
Srikanth Meenakshi

Mutual fund expense ratio – what it is, how it works

The mechanism of expense ratios in mutual funds is a befuddling topic for many investors. Over the years, questions associated with expense ratios have been among the most frequent that I have answered.

This essay is an attempt to answer questions on this topic in a patient and clear manner. But before we find out how it works, let’s understand a bit of what it is.

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watching cricket
Short Takes
Srikanth Meenakshi

Investing and watching India play cricket

I like to approach my investing with the same mindset that I approach watching India play cricket abroad. The keyword there is ‘abroad’.

See, when India plays abroad (and I mean the SENA countries – South Africa, England, New Zealand and Australia), my expectations are low. When they do better, I am elated, and when they lose, I don’t get too depressed.

I think watching our investment portfolio should be the same. Having realistic expectation means, a boom market (like now) makes us real happy, but a downturn does not faze us much. There is, let’s just say, downside containment of our disappointments ๐Ÿ™‚

On the other hand, if we look at our portfolio like watching India play at home (like right now), we expect too much, every defeat is a an unexpected disaster, and a win feels like just ok.

Not good feelings; And makes us act rashly with our portfolio (like ‘resting’ Rohit Sharma :-/ )

How do we form the right expectations, you ask? Glad you did – please read this article from our archives – it’ll set you right!

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scott galloway
Short Takes
Srikanth Meenakshi

Prof Scott Galloway

It’s not easy to impress me.

OK, that’s not true. I am not that hard to impress; so let me rephrase that.

It’s not easy to impress me a lot in a short time.

But that’s what happened today – I did not wake up on a Sunday morning looking to get impressed by the writings of a boomer professor in New York.

First, I watched a clip from Friday’s Bill Maher show (big fan) – one guy that spoke was very animated, and very impressive.

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Srikanth Meenakshi

โ€œRetire Richโ€ by P V Subramanyam โ€“ A handbook for your golden years

World over, planning and investing for retirement in a disciplined fashion is not the norm. However, western countries have a healthy social security net that would keep people out of really bad situations, and many such countries would have state-sponsored health coverage that would take care of the inevitable big bills in old age.

India has neither, at least not in a manner that will cater to a middle-class life-style and care aspirations here. Hence, planning, saving, and investing for retirement becomes a must-do activity during the earning years of an individual in India.

P V Subramanyamโ€™s book โ€“ โ€œRetire Rich โ€“ Invest Rs 40 a dayโ€ was the first book on this topic. The original version was published in 2011 and sold more than 150,000 copies, and is now available in a new edition (since 2019).

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shoe dog
Short Takes
Srikanth Meenakshi

Just doing it

When I read non-fiction books, I keep myself daily minimum targets to get through it in reasonable time – at least 100 pages a day, or in some tough reads, 50 pages a day.

With Phil Knightโ€™s โ€˜Shoe Dogโ€™, I had to set for myself daily maximum reading targets – not more than 150 pages a day – so as to not let my other work suffer.

I could not, however, hold myself to the target – I finished the 400-page tome in a day and half flat. In one word, itโ€™s โ€˜unputdownableโ€™.

My partner from FundsIndia Chandra gave me the book 2 or 3 years ago and exhorted me to read it, and Iโ€™m ashamed I just got around to it. Of course, as with the other books I am reading these days, I am wishing this book existed and I read it, 15 or 20 years ago.

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coffee can
Short Takes
Srikanth Meenakshi

Wealth in a Coffee Can

Few books have caught the interests of the Indian investing public as well as the book โ€˜Coffee Can Investingโ€™ by Saurabh Mukherjea and others. Fewer still investment methods have found a fan following as the stock picking process recommended in this book.

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compound effect
Short Takes
Srikanth Meenakshi

Everything Compounds – “The Compound Effect” by Darren Hardy

โ€œThe Compound Effectโ€ by Darren Hardy explores the power of compounding in our everyday lives – our habits, our goals, our routines, our successes, and failures. The central premise of this book is simple enough – โ€œEverything compounds. It is up to us to choose the direction that it happens in our livesโ€.

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