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Prime Deposits

Fixed deposits
for any need

Researched list of best fixed deposits to safely park your money

What are Prime Deposits?

FDs for different tenures

A carefully-chosen list of fixed deposits for different tenures, along with cumulative and payout options.

Researched and curated

Financial strength and credit worthiness of the offerer thoroughly analysed before choosing

Across different options

The best of deposits across banks, NBFCs, companies and government to diversify your fixed income portfolio

Balance between risk and return

Filtered and researched to ensure you get the best of good interest rates with limited or no risk

Ready to achieve investment success? Start your free 7-day trial now!

No credit card or payment needed!

How you benefit from
Prime Deposits

For different needs

Want to generate income or simply grow your money? Prime Deposits has options for both.

Across time frames

From short-term parking to long-term investing, Prime Deposits puts your money to work.

Get diversified

Hold a mix of safe government deposits, quality bank deposits and higher-returning NBFC deposits.

Regular updates

Stay informed! Get the latest rates and discover new, high-performing deposit options added regularly.

Ready to achieve investment success? Start your free 7-day trial now!

No credit card or payment needed!

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