Podcast : Portfolio Review Pro – A Game-Changer for Mutual Fund Investors

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What is this episode about?

In this special sixth episode of the Prime Podcast, the co-founders of PrimeInvestor, Srikanth Meenakshi, Vidya Bala, and Bhavana Acharya, discuss the launch and benefits of our new product called Portfolio Review Pro. With this product, you can get to know whatโ€™s right & what needs to change in your current, live, mutual fund portfolio. The tool is convenient and user-friendly, requiring only a PAN number, mobile number, and OTP for retrieving the portfolio data.

Portfolio Review Pro has already been used by over 1000 investors, reviewing portfolios worth over Rs 1,700 crore.

The benefits of Portfolio Review Pro are highlighted, with the focus on four key aspects:

  1. Enhancing Returns: The tool helps investors assess whether their portfolio’s actual returns align with their projected returns. By analyzing the entire portfolio return, investors can determine whether adjustments are needed.
  2. Fund Selection and Elimination: The platform identifies underperforming funds and offers sell recommendations for those marked as such by the research team. Along with clear buy recommendations, this allows investors to make informed decisions about fund selection, ultimately improving the portfolio’s performance.
  3. Risk Assessment: The tool calculates a risk score for the portfolio by analyzing different categories of risk, such as equity, debt and hybrid. Investors can compare their personal risk appetite with their portfolio’s risk score to ensure that their portfolios meet their requirements.
  4. Cost Analysis: Portfolio Review Pro identifies funds with high costs, particularly in regular plans, which tend to be more expensive than direct plans. By reducing costs through shifting out of high-cost funds, investors can potentially improve their returns over time.

We emphasize that the tool goes beyond mere tracking of portfolios. It leverages the research expertise of PrimeInvestor’s team to offer actionable insights based on historical data, risk analysis, and return optimization. The tool aims to provide users with the ability to match their portfolios with their financial goals and risk profiles effectively.

Finally, the co-founders discuss the tool’s roadmap, including plans to allow users to review their entire family’s holdings and create portfolios for specific goals. They also mention future features such as alerts for changes in recommendations and enhanced recommendations to make the platform even more valuable.

In conclusion, the Portfolio Review Pro offered by Primeinvestor is positioned as a comprehensive solution that combines research-backed insights with investor-specific data to guide users in making informed decisions about their mutual fund portfolios. It’s a valuable tool for investors looking to optimize their returns, manage risk, and align their portfolios with their financial objectives.

Portfolio Review Pro A Game-Changer for Mutual Fund Investors

Key segments in the podcast discussion

  • What is the Portfolio Review Pro tool (0:00 – 2:20)
  • Benefits of using the Portfolio Review Pro tool (2:21 – 8:34)
  • How the Portfolio Review Pro tool is different (8:35 – 15:33)
  • Get actionable insights on your MF portfolio (15:34 – 20:35)
  • Roadmap – what new features / changes can you expect for the Portfolio Review Pro? (20:36 – 25:37)

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14 thoughts on “Podcast : Portfolio Review Pro – A Game-Changer for Mutual Fund Investors”

  1. Pawandeep Singh Chhabra

    This is a good tool. Thanks.. Just few queries, it didnt capture my DSP equal weight index portfolio + it does not download returns column when you download. This addition should plug the gaps . Thanks..

  2. Hi Team PI … Congratulations… !! You have indeed come up with one of a kind tool for portfolio review.

    Just curious to know as to what rights are tool user are passing on to PI when they provide PAN/Mobile/OTP on your website. What does PI get to access when requisite details are shared by the user. Is retrieved data stored on safe & secure PI server..?

    Regards … Jatin

    1. primeinvestor_psswwp

      Hello sir, To clarify, the only right you pass to us is the ability to store and display your data to YOU on YOUR request. We do that so we can show you (NAV) updated value of your investments when you need to see. Apart from that, we have no other right – either to update, refresh, or pull your data without your explicit request and consent. And the data is stored in safe and secure (India-based) server that has limited access even within our team. And we promise/guarantee that we will not share your data with no other entity. Additionally, in the upcoming update of the system, we will provide you with the ability to delete your portfolio data from our servers so that you have additional comfort that you are in control of what data is kept and when. Hope this explains – Srikanth

  3. Team,
    Thanks for the tool. Amongst other things, Health score is a nice concept and showing how far one is off from their intended asset-allocation (risk comfort level) is great.
    – In the perspective of grasping / understanding one’s portfolio-risk, does weighted SD play a role? Does it make sense to track it as part of Portfolio Risk report?
    – Feature request: Rebalancing nudges based on the current Allocation levels. ps: I understand Rebalancing is tricky – or is it ๐Ÿ™‚ – so any rebalancing advice your tool provides it would be great.
    Thanks again for this wonderful feature.

  4. Murali Mohan Murthy Potham

    I consider my PPF or NPS to meet the debt part of my portfolio. How can I enter these in the new portfolio review tool? I would be grateful if somebody can guide me?

    1. The tool is built to consider only MF investments. If you use PPF or NPS for the debt part of the portfolio, keep that in mind when you are looking at the observations on asset allocation & risk. The quality, concentration and expense sections will still be useful to know if there are changes to make within the MF section of your total investments. – thanks, Bhavana

      1. Vidya, I have left a query that I’m unable to sue the tool. Kindly have that addressed as well

  5. I think you should offer this for free at least 1 or 2 time a year to everyone, would actually help you get a lot more user that way instead of pay walling it after a while.

    1. This is not just a data collation tool (it is another matter that for the retrieval and collation alone we incur HUGE cost from the providers), it is a research service and shall be a paid one like any other service we offer ๐Ÿ™‚ It is currently available for free once for everyone. If you are a subscriber you will continue to benefit from it. Vidya

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