Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Ltd.

About the company
M&M Financial Services is a deposit-taking NBFC registered with RBI, established in 1992. The bulk of its advances finance vehicle purchases. By September 30, 2019, 27% of its outstanding loans were to auto/SUVs, 16% financed tractors, 19% to cars, 18% to preowned vehicles, 17% to CVs and construction equipment and the balance made up of SME and other borrowers. It has subsidiaries operating in insurance broking, rural housing and asset management. The company had deposits to the tune of Rs 7646 crore by September 30, 2019. For the half-year ended September 2019, it reported consolidated revenues of Rs 5774 crore up by 20% and PBT of Rs 667 crore, down by 41% over the same period last year.
Risk metrics Comments
Credit Rating CRISIL FAAA Stable. Click to view credit report
Capital adequacy CRAR of 19.7% against regulatory norm of 15% by September 2019 with a Tier 1 ratio of 15.2 % against the norm of 10%.
Asset quality Net NPA 5.8%, Gross NPA 7.2% by September 2019
Liquidity As of September 30, 2019, the company’s estimated cash inflows exceeded outflows across all the maturity buckets from less than 1 month to 5 years.


  1. Deposit rates higher by 0.25% for senior citizens and by 0.35% for current and retired employees of the group.
  2. Deposit rates differ for applications through online only mode. 


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