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Quarterly review: Prime Portfolios performance review & quarter changes
Mutual funds & ETFs

Quarterly Review: Prime Portfolios performance review & quarter changes

Prime Portfolios are a set of 19 unique portfolios that meet over 30 different investor timeframes and needs. Prime Portfolios are listed under Ready-to-use-portfolios in the Recommendations dropdown. These portfolios primarily use mutual funds, but where there are better-suited products such as deposits or government schemes, the portfolios include those as well.

We review these portfolios every quarter and make changes to remove underperformers or to include any new investment opportunity or product that may come by. At the end of each year, we review the performance of key portfolios, in addition to discussing the changes we make.

Quarterly review - Changes to recommendations in Prime Funds and Prime ETFs
Mutual funds & ETFs

Quarterly review: Changes to recommendations in Prime Funds & Prime ETFs

Prime Funds is our list of recommendations in equity, debt, and hybrid mutual funds that are worth investing in. Prime Funds narrows down your choices from the thousands of funds that there are, into a concise list of funds that span different styles. Prime Funds are selected based on performance, portfolios, and investment strategies.

In this quarterโ€™s review, we have added to equity funds to play themes that are ripe and made changes to the hybrid recommendations to include better return options. We have made minimal changes to our debt fund recommendations.

Prime Funds performance in 2022
Mutual funds & ETFs

Prime Funds performance in 2022

The close of another year means that itโ€™s the time we review how our recommendations have done. We published our Prime Stocks report card a few days ago. In this instalment, we cover Prime Funds performance in 2022

Why you shouldnโ€™t fall for ESG pitches

Why you shouldnโ€™t fall for ESG pitches

โ€œWhy are the so-called expert investors in India so disinterested in ESG funds?โ€. A young investor asked me this question at a recent event and it gave me food for thought. It is true that at PrimeInvestor, we are not fans of ESG investing either. We donโ€™t go out of our way to cover ESG funds or โ€˜greenโ€™ bonds and deposits, unless they offer great returns.ย 

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