Monika talks money

A good way to gauge the state of personal finance books that are India-centric would be to visit the โ€˜Bookโ€™ section of Amazonโ€™s India website.

If you go to the American, you will find the โ€˜Business and Moneyโ€™ section, under which you will find โ€˜Personal Financeโ€™. Boom, done – you have access to a treasure trove on all topics PF.

If you go to the Indian, you will find a โ€˜Business and Economicsโ€™ section, and under that, you will find โ€˜Analysis and Strategyโ€™, โ€˜Economicsโ€™, and โ€˜Industriesโ€™. If you, by power of logical reasoning and elimination, go into the first category, you will find, along-side books about American personal finance and self-help (Dale Carnegie!), a smattering of books by Indian authors to help Indian investors.

A handful, at best.

No doubt, this is an emerging section, but the current state of limited selection is properly captured by just browsing through these aisles.

Monika Halanโ€™s โ€˜Letโ€™s talk moneyโ€™ is, especially in this context, a much-needed publication that addresses a sore need in the Indian market.

Monika talks money